Monday, December 28, 2009

How many people died of HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2003

How many people died of HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2003?

Current Events - 5 Answers
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1 :
google it
2 :
more importantly, how many of these HIV/AIDS cases could have been prevented by the use of condoms or not sleep with hookers or gays and bringing it home? and don't give me that they don't know about safe sex...THAT IS PURE NONSENSE!
3 :
almost 1,000 AIDS deaths occurring every day in South Africa alone .... very few of the other countries in Africa even bother to keep death records of their citizens.
4 :
too many
5 :
It really doesn't matter,does it? In the time since then they probably bred an equal amount of replacements,No?

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

When can you test yourself to check if you got HIV/AIDS? In like a weak, or how long

When can you test yourself to check if you got HIV/AIDS? In like a weak, or how long?
and lets say you got HIV/AIDS how long do you live for? IF YOU TAKE THE MEDICATION? d when will you start feeling sick? Like when will it first start?
STDs - 6 Answers
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1 :
Yikes, you reeally need to be safer! But im sure you know that. You can go get tested asap, but it may not show up for as long as 6-12 months i beleive. Since its an immune system virus, you'll live longer if your immune system is not compromised by any other conditions. (even a flu can kill some people) Dont know when symptoms start..not to be a bitch but I use condoms. Stay healthy.
2 :
There are many different typs of tests for this. The first test to determine if your postive is an RNA test, which 9 - 11 days. A blood test can determine at around 15-30 days. Then the most common is the antibody test, to get a conclusive result at around 3 months. If you do have HIV the average is about 8-11 years depedending how strong your immune system is. If you take medication you can stop HIV from progressing to AIDS, most people can live an average life span and never get AIDS. You get an AIDS diagnose if your helper t count drops to 200 or lower. You may get ARS (Reto Viral) which is like a rash flu like symptoms after 1 month of infection. Your immune system keeps it in check and most of the time people would never know they had it.
3 :
You can live a long healthy life, like an HIV - person would. There IS a cure for HIV, but the stupid government won't let out the cure. You know why? Look at the population in Africa for example, there are so many of them. If they released the cure, their population would more than double in the next 10 years, and it wouldn't fix their food problems either! HIV is NOT a death sentence anymore. Do me a favor and go to, and type in HIV/AIDS Cure. It's a green book. READ THE REVIEWS PEOPLE GAVE!! You'll usually start feeling sick after 6 months of contracting the virus. Just relax, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm encouraging you to read this:
4 :
I already answered this question for you earlier. Please refer to that answer. Most people will test positive for HIV antibodies within 3 months after being infected. In very rare cases, it could take up to 6 months for someone to test positive. Also, re: your other questions posted here: The length of life of someone who has HIV (virus that can lead to AIDS) is a complicated issue. It depends on many things, including how healthy the person was before getting HIV, how long they had HIV before being diagnosed, whether or not they are seeing a specialist and taking meds as prescribed, how well their bodies respond to the meds, and how their body responds to the virus itself. In general, people who were healthy prior to getting HIV, get diagnosed within 3 to 6 months after getting infected, and who follow their specialist's advice (take meds as prescribed, etc.) have a good chance of living longer, healthier. There is no way to know for sure when you will start feeling sick, or when symptoms will start. People could have HIV for 2-7 years, or even longer, before seeing symptoms. HIV kills the cells our bodies use to fight infections. When that cell count drops to 200 or below, AIDS is diagnosed. As that cekk count drops, the body is not as able to fight off other infections. Treatments for HIV can significantly increase the amount of time between diagnosis of HIV and diagnosis of AIDS. The person above is correct in saying that HIV is not a death sentence anymore. But there is no cure for HIV at this point, because the virus changes so much.
5 :
I don't think there is any way you can test yourself for std's, you should go to the appropriate department for tests, sex to me has been the most irresistible experience in my life, but I shudder at the thought of unprotected sex with anyone I am not certain of.
6 :
they have a five minute test available online

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is the percentage of Americans living with HIV/AIDS today

What is the percentage of Americans living with HIV/AIDS today?

STDs - 5 Answers
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1 :
too many
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47% of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 2005 were in African Americans 64% of women (age 13 and over) living with HIV/AIDS in 2005 were African American
3 :
less than one percent number of people living in america--303,750,450 number of people living with HIV/AIDS in america--1,185,000
4 :
HIV and AIDS in the United States: A Picture of Today’s Epidemic More than 25 years into the AIDS epidemic, HIV infection continues to exact a tremendous toll in the United States. Recent data indicate that African Americans and gay and bisexual men of all races continue to be most severely affected. Estimates of HIV Prevalence The latest estimates indicate that at the end of 2003, HIV prevalence— the total number of persons with HIV—was roughly 1 million (estimated range between 1,039,000–1,185,000) [1]. Approximately one-fourth (24% –27%) of HIV-infected persons are believed to be unaware of their infection, underscoring the need to expand opportunities for HIV testing. An estimated 47% of the persons living with HIV were black, 34% were white, and 17% were Hispanic. Asians/Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska Natives each represented roughly 1% of the HIV-infected population. Males accounted for 74% of the population living with HIV. The largest population living with HIV (45%) comprised men who have sex with men (MSM), followed by persons infected through high-risk heterosexual contact (27%), those infected through injection drug use (22%), and those who were exposed through both male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use (5%).
5 :
check wikipedia

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How could a man get HIV/AIDS. If he is not recipient and he is only a penetrator

How could a man get HIV/AIDS. If he is not recipient and he is only a penetrator.?
In case of homosex how could be possible that it causes in AIDS projection. Please elaborate, in regard of both cases in male/female.
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Males can catch HIV from infected females. The method of transmission is not clear. It may be possible for HIV infection to come from menstrual blood or from contact with a female's vaginal or cervical secretions. In males, the doorway for HIV into the body may be very small wounds on the head of the penis, the mucous membranes lining the urethra (the "eye" of the penis is the opening of the urethra), or the glands which intersect the urethra at the base of the penis. For more info
2 :
if /the/ person/ he/ is having sex /with /is a carrier /there/ is/ a /chance/ he could/ contact/ the disease / if /using condom /it could break/ body fluids/ from /the sexual contact
3 :
If the male whome you are penetrating has any sores inside that you cant see on the outside then you can become infected through the tip of your penis because it is an opening of your body. In male to female transmition the female is a recipricol to the male discharge and she is more likely to become infected than a male, however through sex if secretions are there and you are penetrating and are in contact with them you can become infected, safe sex is best if you are not in a monagonous relationship, take care and have a good summer.
4 :
As you would appreciate, excrement is great for fertilizing gardens and indeed, worms and maggots readily grow in human exrement. It is great for growing plants. So the excrement in the anus is great for growing microbes. It is hot. There are more bugs in Summer than in Winter. Next, there is blood. Blood is also a fertilizer. Remember - blood and bone. Sun kills bugs. The anus is dark and damp. It is an ideal environment for mega-growth of HIV etc. Your penile head has membrane through which these diseases travel. So not being receptive, means nothing. Hey presto, you have full blown aids and you are a dead man walking!
5 :
Either way, you should get it.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

How do u get HIV/AIDS

How do u get HIV/AIDS?
I've been looking for information on how to get HIV/AIDS and it always says that it happens through having unprotected sex with a partner with HIV, but how would a partner be infected in the first place? 've been looking for information on how to get HIV/AIDS and it always says that it happens through having unprotected sex with a partner with HIV, but how would a partner be infected in the first place? Edit: I know there are more ways but sex is the only part i dont get about getting HIV/AIDS
Infectious Diseases - 6 Answers
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sex, or needles, its a lot a ways u can get it
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either the person had sex with someone else before. or the parents had it, maybe. or someone with HIV stabbed themself n then stabbed that person with the same knife.
3 :
Blood contact or secretions. Breast feeding your child if you are HIV positive. Sex. Needles. Open wounds and others with the virus blood coming in contact with your blood/open wound. You shouldn't trust anyone 100%. You both should be tested before engaging in sex and get the results together. However, there is always a possible chance. Always use a condom.
4 :
First of all for example if you were to have sex or share needles with someone who has been diagnosed with hiv then you yourself are at risk of contracting the you catch hiv from someone who has been infected with the virus. there are several misconceptions such as with gay men as studies say that they are more likely to catch it..leading people to think that it must be the fact they have anal sex but this is not the is purely to do with the fact that gay men are statistically less likely to have protective sex and are more likely to be sexually active. The HIV virus can be spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The most common way that HIV is spread is through sexual intercourse, including oral and anal sex. The virus can also be spread through sharing needles, and from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby. However, due to advances in treatment, it is now possible to prevent the virus from being passed on by the mother to her child. You can't catch HIV from kissing, from being sneezed on by someone with HIV, from sharing baths, towels or cutlery with an HIV-infected person, from swimming in a pool or sitting on a toilet seat that someone with HIV has used, or from animals or insects such as mosquitoes.
5 :
I don't where you've been looking for info but you've found is incomplete. HIV is transmitted through blood and other body fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. It is not transmitted by saliva or tears. Exposure to body fluids can occur in various ways -- through unprotected sex, sharing needles, exposure to infected blood that contacts unintact areas of skin or mucus membranes, such as the eyes. There are millions of websites that discuss HIV and AIDS and that also list the way in which the virus can be transmitted and I've never, ever seen one that listed only sex as a means of transmission Your next question is answered by looking at these sites.
6 :
Well you can get HIV/AIDS if you share needles with someone share foods with someone thats has HIV/AIDS have unprotected sex with some thats has it and if someones blood goes in side you blood has it and if some coughs or sneezes and you breath it in. You could only get HIV/AIDS from all that a person thats has HIV/AIDS expect for the needle parts.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How come the news never mentions the high rate of HIV/AIDS infection of black people but they tell you about

How come the news never mentions the high rate of HIV/AIDS infection of black people but they tell you about?
Other - News & Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
Black people only deserve attention relating to violence.
2 :
Well, I wouldn't use the word "NEVER", but there is a huge trend in America of Hispanics acquiring HIV/AIDS more than any other race so it is newsworthy.

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