Sunday, November 1, 2009

How did the first human contract HIV (AIDS)

How did the first human contract HIV (AIDS)?
I know it was from Monkeys but how?
STDs - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think any one knows the answer to that.
2 :
eating and banging bangable monekys
3 :
I've heard from eating them.
4 :
An European hunter in Africa had a wound and the blood from the monkey made contact with it, he then had sex and the story begins there.
5 :
viruses constantly mutate which is why we are still fighting influenza and the common cold
6 :
there's already a best answer for this question go to: Hope that helps. -Ryan M
7 :
a man had a cut got infected from a monkey and then passed it on... and here we are today
8 :
The most likely explanation is that hunters in the Democratic Republic of Congo were came into contact with the blood chimps that they were hunting, as the common practice was to butcher them. How exactly HIV-1 originated from SIV(simian immunodeficiency virus) is still a mystery.

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