Tuesday, June 28, 2011

if a pair of underwear was wore by a person with hiv/aids and a few days later you put them on can you get it

if a pair of underwear was wore by a person with hiv/aids and a few days later you put them on can you get it?
Also if a woman vaginally secreted in some underwear and days later u wore them what are the odds of you getting either virus. And do they both die(aids and hiv)when they hit the air
STDs - 1 Answers
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1 :
The HIV virus dies quickly outside the body. BTW, why would you wear someone else's dirty underwear.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Should people with HIV/AIDS be allowed to vote

Should people with HIV/AIDS be allowed to vote?
Do you think people with HIV/AIDS should be allowed to vote?
Gender Studies - 15 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Of course
3 :
what in god's name does that have to do with voting?
4 :
the day that people with illnesses aren't allowed to vote is the day that hell freezes over lol lmao
5 :
yeah, that'd extremely pathetic if they weren't the only diffrence between them and anybody else is they have a virus that kills their immune sytems everybody should be allowed to vote really
6 :
Why shouldn't they? As long as they were born male, it shouldn't matter.
7 :
they are yet to die.. not dead yet
8 :
9 :
aww hell naw
10 :
Yes they should be allowed to vote- what did they do to remove their right to the franchise.
11 :
People's medical status should be none of the government's business apart from issues of medical necessity. So of course it should have no relevance to their right to vote.
12 :
Yes, of course. Just be thankful we don't have an IQ minimum, or you'd be out of luck.
13 :
Of course. What kind of question is this, anyway?
14 :
Only if they are citizens and non-felons. Otherwise they have just about the same right as any other individual. However, I also believe that anyone who has a sexually transmitted disease has the responsibility to warn a prospective sexual partner of their HIV/AIDS status.
15 :
Uh, why does that even need to be asked? Of course! They're still citizens of the country, health problems notwithstanding. Should we allow terminal cancer patients to vote? What about people with Parkinsons? Or heart problems? Or urinary tract infections? Or acne? Where do you draw the line....and why does there even need to be one?

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

What methods do clinics provide for HIV/AIDS testing

What methods do clinics provide for HIV/AIDS testing?

STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
dont know
2 :
Initial testing for HIV can be done by blood test or oral swab. If these tests come back positive, more detailed blood testing is done.
3 :
This may answer your question http://www.avert.org/testing.htm

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

I stepped on a needle in town and I am afraid of an infection like HIV or AIDS

I stepped on a needle in town and I am afraid of an infection like HIV or AIDS?
I was in town with some mates when I accidently stepped on a needle. (hypodermic needle [sp?]) There was no actual needle to pierce my skin with but I'm still wondering is there any risk of HIV/AIDS and should I get a check? I'm rather health conscious you see, and I have been feeling absolutely crap this week. Please reply. Thanks
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
If the needle didn't go in, then there should be no problem. As long as it didn't make contact with any of your body fluids, healthy skin is usually enough to stop the virus from going in. Plus certain circumstances have to be met for example: How long has the needle been out side? If it was exposed to the air for more than 2 days them maybe the virus died by them. Like mention earlier it had to go inside of your system... Very unlikely... You also have to consider the symptoms which may include, swollen lymph nodes diarrhea weight loss headeaches flu like symptoms fevers night sweats.... I will get cheked either way, just to have my mind at ease. Do so in around three months. You may be feeling like you can't wait three months but trust me its better than not knowing. I really wish you luck!
2 :
Were you wearing shoes? You stepped just on the plastic syringe part? Not on the metal part? If it didn't pierce your skin you can't get HIV aids from it. You're probably feeling like crap because of the anxiety & fear causing depression about the whole incident. If you were barefooted & had an open sore on your foot & stepped on it & it contained the HIVinfection there would be a remote possibility that you could catch it. HIV doesn't live on the surface long. However, other bacteria can live longer. If it punctured your skin in any way go get a blood test & have the dr. look at the wound. If you were wearing a shoe & it never broke skin I wouldn't worry about it. Best wishes to you! Stop the anxiety & address it you'll feel better!
3 :
HIV is transmitted in blood, semen, breast milk, and vaginal fluids. HIV is most commonly spread from one person to another through having unprotected sexual intercourse with someone who has the virus sharing needles or syringes with someone who has the virus being deeply punctured with a needle or surgical instrument contaminated with the virus getting HIV-infected blood, semen, or vaginal secretions into open wounds or sores You might want to get yourself checked out. Good Luck!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's another measure to enhance the quality of life of an individual with HIV/AIDS

What's another measure to enhance the quality of life of an individual with HIV/AIDS??
I'm doing an essay for college and need help thinking of another measure for this. I have healthy eating. Anything else??
STDs - 3 Answers
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A drug treatment known as HAART ( Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) is often used to retard the development of, or treat aids. It basically attempt to reduce the viral load.
2 :
there is no way to enhance them but to reassure them that thier no differnt frm any other human being being a care taker for the hiv /aids victims i work ina hospital where everyday u see hope and despair teach them that everyday is special teach that tomorrow will be better and brighter and and especiallly how all theses wonderfull men and women trying to make it better with differnt meds
3 :
That's a good start. Second, reduce the viral load. This could be done easily. Next, take the suggestion of the top AIDS researcher ( Dr. Anthony Fauci ) and use the drug selzentry. It could be a cure if they were to then use a vaccine ( even a non-specific one ).

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why is it common for gays to get HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis seemingly more than the rest of the population

Why is it common for gays to get HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis seemingly more than the rest of the population?

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 15 Answers
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1 :
It's always been more common among them, therefore easier for them to spread it amongst themselves.
2 :
Anal sex is one of the most common ways people contract HIV/aids, whether they are gay or straight. It is because the anus is more prone to tearing, cutting during sex, therefore the exchange of bloods and other fluids is more likely.
3 :
probably because some of us r just so aroused all the time so they have sex with a lot of ppl, idk
4 :
Boy are you stupid. The highest cases of those infected with HIV/AIDS are African-American straight-identified women. In the United States, African Americans have the highest incidence rates, followed by Native Americans, Hispanics, and whites for Hepatitis. Wanna try again there pal?
5 :
They don't African-American women are the AIDS highest risk group in the US right now.
6 :
That's what homophobic propaganda promotes but biology denies.
7 :
Actually more African American women get it, but what devastation said was right about the anal sex. Anybody can get HIV. And seriously Joe. They asked a question, I dont think name calling is necessary.
8 :
I don't know where you're getting your stats, it's more common among heterosexuals.
9 :
Because God punishes them with it.
10 :
The highest cases of those infected with HIV/AIDS are African-American straight-identified women. and most gay people will have unprotected sex
11 :
Ok heres an actual educated guess from a gay guy (me) Ok The reason why it seems that gay people contract HIV/AIDS is because the virus is in blood or semen and since men are the only ones with semen it gets passed around to other men. Women dont have semen so most lesbians dont have the virus. Straight people are PROBABLY the 2nd most to contract the virus and gay people might seem to have contract it more cause once again all men have semen, sperm doesnt contain the virus only semen does because in semen theres blood and in blood is where the virus hides. As for a statistic there is no certain statistic but it might be possible that gay guys can get it more than any other. You cant get rid of semen but you can get rid of sperm even though that doesnt help the problem, what you need to do is protect yourself during sex and test your partner as well, doesnt matter if you gay straight bi ect always use a condom. And you can catch the virus during anytype of intercourse it all depends in protection, you can catch it by even giving oral or kissing if there is an exchange in blood or other bodyly fluids PROTECTION AND GETTING TESTED IS KEY, AS WELL AS HONESTY LOYALTY AND HOPEFULLY MONOGAMY. :))))))))))))))))
12 :
Your stats are wrong. If you took an overview of the whole world, it is far more common for straight people to get HIV. It was initially first ever in the public light when a fair number of gay guys in the U.S in the eighties had it, (Think N.Y) and the media ever since has pointed to the gay community, which makes it appear it is more common for gay people. In the western world, educated and sensible people use protection, the message of HIV is clear and concise of the risks. Its the straight lot that haven't latched properly onto this viral threat, and it is them nowadays that in proportion are getting infected with new cases. The press and older society members (over 45) still think in ignorant HIV = gay disease thoughts. Just the way things are, for now
13 :
As said they don't. It may seem to stand out more because you are looking at a smaller group of people.
14 :
certain behaviors common in the gay culture( i won't go into detail) raise the risk for these two diseases dramatically. ( nuff said)
15 :
It depends on whether you are looking at the US or developing countries. According to the CDC, in the US, "...in 2005, MSM [men who have sex with men] still accounted for about 53% of all new HIV/AIDS cases and 71% of cases in male adults and adolescents." In many developing countries, rates are higher among women. Infections in women are a particular concern because of the risk to unborn children. The reasons for this disparity are complex. Rather than name-calling and put-downs, why not look at steps individuals can take to prevent infection- abstinence or mutual monogamy, use of condoms, and early diagnosis and treatment? Thank you, Shy Guy, for a sensible answer to the question.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is it illegal to work in a brothel if you have HIV/AIDS

Is it illegal to work in a brothel if you have HIV/AIDS?
I've been accepted to work at one and I'm due to start this evening. any testing would have already been done, they asked if I was clean and I said yes, because I need the money. If that's the case (3rd answer) then why are you allowed to drive, own guns etc
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
They test you for it before putting you to work. It is a felony to have sex with someone without notifying them if you have STD's
2 :
I hope your just asking this question out of curiosity.
3 :
The answer is yes it is illegal to endanger the life of any other human being
4 :
It's not legal as a public health matter, just like it's not legal to drive around taking pot-shots at people with your legally owned handgun.
5 :
I really hope this question is a joke. Before any intercourse tests are conducted. It is illegal to have unprotected sex with someone if you already know your status. BTW there are different things you can do to earn money and it wont put so many people at risk. Be responsible and do the right thing
6 :
why on earth would you want to endanger other people like that?remember what goes round comes round you will be punished.
7 :
Its a felony carries jail term.

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