I'm twenty, but still on her insurance. anyways, I'm worried I might have hiv/aids and want to get tested. if I go to my doctors office and got it done, would she find out?
STDs - 8 Answers
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1 :
You can always go and pay cash or just tell them you would rather not have the insurance cover it. That is the ONLY way she wouldnt find out.
2 :
If the bill goes to her address. Mostly likely, sense you are under her insurance.... But be safe and do it anyway regardless of if she'll know. It's better to be safe then sorry right?
3 :
They're 100% confidential. They won't even give you the results over the phone or in the mail, you have to come in person with your ID and they can only inform you about the results and by law are not allowed to even tell your parents you took the test much less what the results are, so don't worry about privacy, you should go get tested if you want to.
4 :
Never, under any circumstance procrastinate about asking for a HIV/STD/STI test. Your doctor is not allowed to discuss any medical history with another member of your family, or within/outside of their practice without your consent. Doing so can lead to the practice being sued for breach of privacy amongst other charges. I am unsure where you are as i did not read your location, however ask your doctor for a test, they should direct you where to go get your blood/urine tests. If you're afraid to ask your doctor outright for a HIV test, mask it within a bunch of other tests, and should he/she ask you why you want a HIV test, casually say that you are sexually active and want to maintain your health and wellbeing. Should the test be positive, the doctor will have no choice and will need to notify your health department. the tests usually take approximately 3 days and are delivered to your doctor. Good Luck.
5 :
Hi probably not then again if u were found out to be positve then different story otherwise even if she did find out what's it matter OK รข™¥
6 :
The best thing for you to do is to check the website hivtest.org to find free or low-cost testing sites in your area. Just enter your ZIP code. Some places charge by your income, others are free. The doctor can't say anything to her because testing is confidential. But if her insurance is billed, she would see it on her statement.
7 :
If you're really worried about it, don't go to your doctor. There are always places where you can get tested and have the results kept confidential. Look in your city phone book, yellow pages. If you don't see anything, then look for your local LGBT equality center and they can tell you where one is, or call the AIDS Hotline, they can give you the location of your nearest testing site. With most of these places, the testing is free, however, if you want the results back right away, there is usually a charge, and you can get the results usually within 24 hours. If you opt to not pay, it takes a couple of weeks to get your test results back. In most of the places, you don't even have to give your name, they give you a number, and match your number to your test results.
8 :
She would know unless you pay them right away like after the test is done. That way there wont be a bill
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