Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do the girls at massage parlor regularly get checked for stds hiv aids

Do the girls at massage parlor regularly get checked for stds hiv aids?

STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
no, so stop shagging them
2 :
I dont know where you are referring to. Im very familiar with Thailand if that is what you are referring to. I'm also very familiar with hiv. In Thailand they are checked every 3 months. The only problem is, that is useless because hiv is most contagious within the first 3 months somebody gets it because that is the time the body is going through "seroconversion". So let's say Bill from england gets hiv from Suzy who works in a Thailand parlour, then the next night Bill has sex with Lilly who also works in a Thailand parlour. Bill is 65 years old like most retirees over there so Bill doesnt ever wear condoms because hes an old school type of guy and plus he figures that if he gets hiv it wont kill him before his time is up anyways, and he has money because he's retired so the girls arent going to scare him off by telling him to wear a condom....so Bill just got hiv from Suzy the first night,then passed it on to Lilly the second night....then you show up a week later and you have sex with Lilly and your condom breaks.....Now you have hiv. 3 months later, Lilly gets checked and they find out THEN that she has hiv so they fire her from the massage parlour and hire another girl and the cycle continues. HIV in Thailand and southeast asia is most commonly subtype-e which is easier to catch, more deadly (it will progress to aids faster) and is more common among heterosexuals in the sex trade. http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/Resistance/Archive/drug/Q156331.html

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Friday, August 24, 2012

where can i find the first article about hiv/aids? like the first discovery of this virus

where can i find the first article about hiv/aids? like the first discovery of this virus?
please, i need it for a project. also, if you know any that are from the early ages of aids, about the treatments, please post them . thanks so much
STDs - 5 Answers
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1 :
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Previous names for the virus include human T-lymphotropic virus-III (HTLV-III), lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV).[1][2] Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these body fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The three major routes of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth, or through breast milk. Screening of blood products for HIV in the developed world has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions or infected blood products in these countries. HIV infection in humans is now pandemic. As of January 2006, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized on December 1, 1981, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in recorded history. In 2005 alone, AIDS claimed an estimated 2.4รข€“3.3 million lives, of which more than 570,000 were children. It is estimated that about 0.6% of the world's living population is infected with HIV.[3] A third of these deaths are occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, retarding economic growth and increasing poverty.[4] According to current estimates, HIV is set to infect 90 million people in Africa, resulting in a minimum estimate of 18 million orphans.[5] Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries.[6] more below
2 :
You're looking for the infamous June 5, 1981 edition of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Of course, at that time, nobody knew what it was yet so HIV or AIDS isn't referred to directly in this article, but this is regarded as "the first" published reports of AIDS causing infections not normally found in immunocompetent humans. CDC. Pneumocystis pneumonia --- Los Angeles. MMWR 1981;30:250--2. weblink:http://amcat.org/pubs/mmwr/1981/MM3021.html
3 :
I hope these two sites will help you in your project http://www.avert.org/origins.htm http://www.avert.org/his81_86.htm Both sites will lead you to other information gong back to the 70"s Good luck
4 :
a good place to go would be pubmed or medline. problem is sometimes accessing the article since generally many articles require some sort of subscription, which may be possible through a workplace or university.
5 :
Check out the link below. It explains how and when the virus was first discovered back in the 80s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiv#Origin_and_discovery
6 :
www.thebody.com (A comprehensive site featuring in-depth information on topics ranging from HIV prevention to state-of-the-art treatment issues, forums, and even humor and ...) www.cdc.gov/hiv (CDC provides leadership for HIV prevention research and surveillance and the development and testing of effective biomedical interventions to reduce ...) aidsinfo.nih.gov (A US Department of Health and Human Services project providing information on HIV/AIDS clinical trials and treatment. It also disseminates federally ...) www.nature.com/news (HIV attacks two types of cells in the skin of the human vagina, the US-based research ... Because the vagina's skin is the first barrier to the HIV virus, ...) www.hiv.lanl.gov/ (Collection HIV and related genetic sequence data and computer analyses - from the Los Alamos Natl. Lab.)

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Why is HIV/AIDS rates growing in the U.S? Around the World

Why is HIV/AIDS rates growing in the U.S? Around the World?
I have been a sex educator for the last four years and am tired and dam near want to give up! (I won't) I do HIV anti body testing and cant believe how little people know about the disease! What the hell is going on and what more can be done to spread the word, not the disease?
Community Service - 6 Answers
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1 :
people are getting hornier
2 :
I thought the rate was going down since most people use protection
3 :
Mother Earth is taking her revenge on us for global warming.
4 :
because everyones a fagget hippie now a days
5 :
Because people just don't want to use condoms I mean face it they don't feel as good as the real thing... so why stop what your doing just to put a condom on when by the time you stop to put a condom on his dick is already soft. Its just reality, I mean we all know what the right thing to do is and how to be safe we just choose not to because us americans are lazy ignorant people who just want the satisfaction of making money, getting laid and masturbating.
6 :
Some of the reasons why HIV/AIDS rates are growing: 1. People have no conscience anymore. Sex with anyone is become so acceptable 2. Young adults/teens are not being educated and generally have poor role models 3. TV shows sell sex 4. Sex is no longer taboo (when doing it outside your regular relationship - people just sleep around) 5. Drugs has become so common (sharing needles and having unprotected sex whilst on drugs) The list goes on. I also beleive that there is no respect for marriage and being monogamous anymore. Society has just gone nuts and do what ever they want unlike 25 years ago. You dont stop doing the good work your doing. You can do your best but people have to take hold of their lives and pay for the consequences in the end.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Will there ever be a cure for HIV/AIDS One day i plan on finding a cure

Will there ever be a cure for HIV/AIDS One day i plan on finding a cure?
I want to know so i can help save the poor people dying for no reason and i hate to see people past it on i cant stand it one day i plan on making a cure to help the people the government don't want to help people because the disease Make's to much money and the government is getting richer. I plan on stopping that i'm tired of seeing people dying so please tell me were to start and what chemicals to use.
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Go to google and type in "possible HIV cure found by bone marrow donation." Apparently, an American man living in Germany had HIV and leukemia. As a result of his leukemia treatment, he had to get a bone marrow transplant. Three years after the leukemia transplant, the man has been tested as HIV free. I'm not sure of the story's veracity, however, it's definitely worth a quick peek. I posted the link below. http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/TechandScience/Story/STIStory_614055.html
2 :
There was a study recently conducted to test a potential drug which is meant to stop the spread of HIV among people who are at risk to get HIV/AIDS and the study was called off after the first round of data came in and all participants were offered the drug to continue the study because the drug was quite effective at preventing those taking it from contracting HIV.
3 :
That's very thoughtful of you, wish i could find a cure and help all those ppl too. Aids is a plague and everyday some poor soul dies of it.. I believe there is a cure but it's very expensive and only very wealthy ppl can afford it... Look at Magic Johnson he has/had Aids? I mean does he still have it? And he's living remarkably long for someone with the virus and he's rich as well so he gets himself taken care of. I really believe there is a cure but the greedy bastards out there just want the green.. I hope they all burn in hell!
4 :
Hopefully there is a cure one day. I got tested yesterday and I'm negative thank god but there's still people out there that are struggling everyday with the horrible disease. There should be more people like you in the world. I hope you do find a cure, you will be very rich.. with money and also with happiness.

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Where can I find information about African American teenagers with HIV?AIDS

Where can I find information about African American teenagers with HIV?AIDS?

STDs - 2 Answers
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Go to your library and look it up there is a lot of information in books. Or if your not afraid to talk about it go to your local doctor he or she will probably have some good information for you.
2 :
That depends on where you live. If you are in a large city they will have that. If not then your county health department. If you are interested in national then the government will have national statistics.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Do you know how I can contact someone who has hiv/aids

Do you know how I can contact someone who has hiv/aids ?
Or any websites or forums please. Thanx.
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
do't know. jsut speak with the doctor.
2 :
There is one commentor on here that I'm aware is HIV+ and she seems to be very sweet and willing to talk to other people. Her user name is: livingtype.rm And this is her profile: http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Ajrp_miAiZ2L4kx2X5SkvqfjxQt.;_ylv=3?show=39bd32052c689807645e31bacee1bca5aa Please be respectful; she seems to be an awfully sweet person.
3 :
Here are some friends/dating websites for people with STDs you can try: stdsingles.com stdfriends.com positivesingles.com stdpassions.com I know they include hiv/aids as well as herpes and other STDs. Hope that helps!

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Californians: What do you think of your governor considering cutting HIV/AIDS healthcare

Californians: What do you think of your governor considering cutting HIV/AIDS healthcare?
Without this essential care, thousands will be cut off from the support that their lives depend on. What do you think should be done, considering the enormous budget deficit? More than $80 million in cuts to essential HIV counseling, testing, education and monitoring programs for people living with HIV/AIDS are on the line. It's astonishing how little some people care for their neighbors. LOL, MM! If you're a Californian then I'm six feet tall, lmao. (Email me, darling, you little liar.)
Politics - 19 Answers
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1 :
i think they are also cutting medicaid. very sad.
2 :
I say that 2/3rds of San Fransisco's population are dead then!
3 :
Aids is still the most preventable disease that plagues people today. Don't put your wee wee where it doesn't belong and you'll be fine.
4 :
i think California is going bankrupt.
5 :
I think we should let those idiots die there are only 2 ways to get aids sex and if you share a needle both can be averted by wearing a condom or not having sex with every person you see or by not doing drugs
6 :
I wish the legislators would take a 15% pay reduction like the rest of California's state employees. If they were forced to do so, they'd figure a balanced budget pronto. California's legislators are state employees aren't they?
7 :
If it's down to cancer, which can hit anyone at any time, and a disease that is spread by behavior, I think it's the correct choice. Hopefully, liberals will see how terrible it would be to see healthcare rationed on a large scale.
8 :
On that subject I think we MUST mandate HARSH punishment for the spread of the disease and that people MUST be held accountable
9 :
I question the need for state supported health care to treat a venereal disease in the first place.
10 :
Hm. I think we should not be spending 1.4 million on a funeral, that is for sure. I do not know what else to cut though. I suppose you could maybe legalize marijuana, so they don't spend so much money fighting it, and that would let up on the crowding in jails. I would not cut HIV/AIDS healthcare, but I would always choose saving education over that. So it is a lose-lose situation. EDIT - No duh, California is going bankrupt. Once I get my Master's degree, I am out of here.
11 :
Sucks, but desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. It's just too bad they couldn't cut their salaries in order to save a few good programs...but cutting salaries definitley wouldn't be enough to cover this health cut.
12 :
I think it should be done the risk of spread is high through the gay community. I have someone in my family who has it and have known 3 others who have died from it. In reality it should be because the health care community is trying to lower the rate. But most gay community still goes out and hooks up with having aids so it just spreads. I have my own personal belief over it only because I have seen people sick from it with my own two eyes. I wish people all people could see what a person dying from Aids looks like it's horrible. So the more we can stop this the better off everybody is.
13 :
They have to cut many things you won't like. Unfortunately there isn't enough money. Why? Because the bureaucrats and politicians take home most of the money generated for programs. I'm telling you, the more Government employees there are, the worse off a budget and tax payers will be.
14 :
I think Hospice palliative care is more appropriate for the terminally ill than endless treatment. Even the Bible said "give Strong drink to a dying man"
15 :
Aids is usually caused because someone makes a bad choice.I think I don't really want to pay for somebodies bad choice.Lets differentiate.
16 :
I think someone else should be working on our government and fix the problem at the root instead of punishing the sick and helpless.
17 :
I really feel this is the least of our worries. There is so much more going on that affects all of the people in a very big way. It will not even be worth living here anymore if things keep going in this direction. In fact, what is happening to this whole country should be cause for alarm to all people!
18 :
I'm kind of torn on this one. I do think we need funding for HIV/AIDS but our economy is also hurting very much. I guess it really depends on WHAT the cuts are going to benefit. For example: By cutting the HIV/AIDS fund, is it helping (or redirecting money) for the school system?
19 :
I really don't care. As a Californian, I have other things to worry about.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

what will you do if there is a day, you know you got HIV/AIDS

what will you do if there is a day, you know you got HIV/AIDS?

Community Service - 11 Answers
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1 :
kill my husband
2 :
i dont know, couldnt imagine what it would be like.x
3 :
Get myself a good Attorney, and sue the hell out of the hospital that gave me a blood transfusion.
4 :
try to live my life as I do now --to the fullest...AIDS is only a disease...we all die from something at sometime. That doesn't mean that I don't practice safe sex.
5 :
I will deal with it if/when that day ever comes.
6 :
start prioritizing and getting things ready for when I'm gone, write a will, give away special items to special people, make the most of the time I have left, etc.
7 :
i will kill the one who infected me and commit suicide
8 :
Ask for another confirmation test, and if it comes out positive, ask my doctor what alternative treatments are there. Heard the lives of people with AIDS and HIV could be prolong with long term medication. And they could live almost normal lifes, except for the sex and having babies part.
9 :
if i knew i had HIV/AIDS 1st of all i kno id surely cry my heart out. if possible id try and speak 2 a close family member or friend, who i kno wud help me in every possible way, nd wud be sum1 i cud trust my life wid.follow der suggestions n if none of it works id do sumthin bout it myself.life is too small n yet too beautiful to not do nethin bout it.
10 :
Try to make up my mind to be strong and try to help the other persons and make them aware of this............ i hope i dont get it
11 :
Probably go "oh crap" and make sure I contact all the people I've slept with, to let them know they should get tested. Well, I'd probably tell all my friends, and suggest they get tested as well - not just the people I've been intimate with. And if the medications don't change whether or not you are contagious, I will not be taking meds. I will wait it out and die of it. Screw some cocktails, instead I will do everything to live my life with no regrets (as I've done thus far), and make the most of what I've got (...ditto).

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