Monday, December 28, 2009

How many people died of HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2003

How many people died of HIV/AIDS in Africa in 2003?

Current Events - 5 Answers
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1 :
google it
2 :
more importantly, how many of these HIV/AIDS cases could have been prevented by the use of condoms or not sleep with hookers or gays and bringing it home? and don't give me that they don't know about safe sex...THAT IS PURE NONSENSE!
3 :
almost 1,000 AIDS deaths occurring every day in South Africa alone .... very few of the other countries in Africa even bother to keep death records of their citizens.
4 :
too many
5 :
It really doesn't matter,does it? In the time since then they probably bred an equal amount of replacements,No?

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

When can you test yourself to check if you got HIV/AIDS? In like a weak, or how long

When can you test yourself to check if you got HIV/AIDS? In like a weak, or how long?
and lets say you got HIV/AIDS how long do you live for? IF YOU TAKE THE MEDICATION? d when will you start feeling sick? Like when will it first start?
STDs - 6 Answers
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1 :
Yikes, you reeally need to be safer! But im sure you know that. You can go get tested asap, but it may not show up for as long as 6-12 months i beleive. Since its an immune system virus, you'll live longer if your immune system is not compromised by any other conditions. (even a flu can kill some people) Dont know when symptoms start..not to be a bitch but I use condoms. Stay healthy.
2 :
There are many different typs of tests for this. The first test to determine if your postive is an RNA test, which 9 - 11 days. A blood test can determine at around 15-30 days. Then the most common is the antibody test, to get a conclusive result at around 3 months. If you do have HIV the average is about 8-11 years depedending how strong your immune system is. If you take medication you can stop HIV from progressing to AIDS, most people can live an average life span and never get AIDS. You get an AIDS diagnose if your helper t count drops to 200 or lower. You may get ARS (Reto Viral) which is like a rash flu like symptoms after 1 month of infection. Your immune system keeps it in check and most of the time people would never know they had it.
3 :
You can live a long healthy life, like an HIV - person would. There IS a cure for HIV, but the stupid government won't let out the cure. You know why? Look at the population in Africa for example, there are so many of them. If they released the cure, their population would more than double in the next 10 years, and it wouldn't fix their food problems either! HIV is NOT a death sentence anymore. Do me a favor and go to, and type in HIV/AIDS Cure. It's a green book. READ THE REVIEWS PEOPLE GAVE!! You'll usually start feeling sick after 6 months of contracting the virus. Just relax, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm encouraging you to read this:
4 :
I already answered this question for you earlier. Please refer to that answer. Most people will test positive for HIV antibodies within 3 months after being infected. In very rare cases, it could take up to 6 months for someone to test positive. Also, re: your other questions posted here: The length of life of someone who has HIV (virus that can lead to AIDS) is a complicated issue. It depends on many things, including how healthy the person was before getting HIV, how long they had HIV before being diagnosed, whether or not they are seeing a specialist and taking meds as prescribed, how well their bodies respond to the meds, and how their body responds to the virus itself. In general, people who were healthy prior to getting HIV, get diagnosed within 3 to 6 months after getting infected, and who follow their specialist's advice (take meds as prescribed, etc.) have a good chance of living longer, healthier. There is no way to know for sure when you will start feeling sick, or when symptoms will start. People could have HIV for 2-7 years, or even longer, before seeing symptoms. HIV kills the cells our bodies use to fight infections. When that cell count drops to 200 or below, AIDS is diagnosed. As that cekk count drops, the body is not as able to fight off other infections. Treatments for HIV can significantly increase the amount of time between diagnosis of HIV and diagnosis of AIDS. The person above is correct in saying that HIV is not a death sentence anymore. But there is no cure for HIV at this point, because the virus changes so much.
5 :
I don't think there is any way you can test yourself for std's, you should go to the appropriate department for tests, sex to me has been the most irresistible experience in my life, but I shudder at the thought of unprotected sex with anyone I am not certain of.
6 :
they have a five minute test available online

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is the percentage of Americans living with HIV/AIDS today

What is the percentage of Americans living with HIV/AIDS today?

STDs - 5 Answers
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1 :
too many
2 :
47% of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in 2005 were in African Americans 64% of women (age 13 and over) living with HIV/AIDS in 2005 were African American
3 :
less than one percent number of people living in america--303,750,450 number of people living with HIV/AIDS in america--1,185,000
4 :
HIV and AIDS in the United States: A Picture of Today’s Epidemic More than 25 years into the AIDS epidemic, HIV infection continues to exact a tremendous toll in the United States. Recent data indicate that African Americans and gay and bisexual men of all races continue to be most severely affected. Estimates of HIV Prevalence The latest estimates indicate that at the end of 2003, HIV prevalence— the total number of persons with HIV—was roughly 1 million (estimated range between 1,039,000–1,185,000) [1]. Approximately one-fourth (24% –27%) of HIV-infected persons are believed to be unaware of their infection, underscoring the need to expand opportunities for HIV testing. An estimated 47% of the persons living with HIV were black, 34% were white, and 17% were Hispanic. Asians/Pacific Islanders and American Indians/Alaska Natives each represented roughly 1% of the HIV-infected population. Males accounted for 74% of the population living with HIV. The largest population living with HIV (45%) comprised men who have sex with men (MSM), followed by persons infected through high-risk heterosexual contact (27%), those infected through injection drug use (22%), and those who were exposed through both male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use (5%).
5 :
check wikipedia

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How could a man get HIV/AIDS. If he is not recipient and he is only a penetrator

How could a man get HIV/AIDS. If he is not recipient and he is only a penetrator.?
In case of homosex how could be possible that it causes in AIDS projection. Please elaborate, in regard of both cases in male/female.
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Males can catch HIV from infected females. The method of transmission is not clear. It may be possible for HIV infection to come from menstrual blood or from contact with a female's vaginal or cervical secretions. In males, the doorway for HIV into the body may be very small wounds on the head of the penis, the mucous membranes lining the urethra (the "eye" of the penis is the opening of the urethra), or the glands which intersect the urethra at the base of the penis. For more info
2 :
if /the/ person/ he/ is having sex /with /is a carrier /there/ is/ a /chance/ he could/ contact/ the disease / if /using condom /it could break/ body fluids/ from /the sexual contact
3 :
If the male whome you are penetrating has any sores inside that you cant see on the outside then you can become infected through the tip of your penis because it is an opening of your body. In male to female transmition the female is a recipricol to the male discharge and she is more likely to become infected than a male, however through sex if secretions are there and you are penetrating and are in contact with them you can become infected, safe sex is best if you are not in a monagonous relationship, take care and have a good summer.
4 :
As you would appreciate, excrement is great for fertilizing gardens and indeed, worms and maggots readily grow in human exrement. It is great for growing plants. So the excrement in the anus is great for growing microbes. It is hot. There are more bugs in Summer than in Winter. Next, there is blood. Blood is also a fertilizer. Remember - blood and bone. Sun kills bugs. The anus is dark and damp. It is an ideal environment for mega-growth of HIV etc. Your penile head has membrane through which these diseases travel. So not being receptive, means nothing. Hey presto, you have full blown aids and you are a dead man walking!
5 :
Either way, you should get it.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

How do u get HIV/AIDS

How do u get HIV/AIDS?
I've been looking for information on how to get HIV/AIDS and it always says that it happens through having unprotected sex with a partner with HIV, but how would a partner be infected in the first place? 've been looking for information on how to get HIV/AIDS and it always says that it happens through having unprotected sex with a partner with HIV, but how would a partner be infected in the first place? Edit: I know there are more ways but sex is the only part i dont get about getting HIV/AIDS
Infectious Diseases - 6 Answers
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1 :
sex, or needles, its a lot a ways u can get it
2 :
either the person had sex with someone else before. or the parents had it, maybe. or someone with HIV stabbed themself n then stabbed that person with the same knife.
3 :
Blood contact or secretions. Breast feeding your child if you are HIV positive. Sex. Needles. Open wounds and others with the virus blood coming in contact with your blood/open wound. You shouldn't trust anyone 100%. You both should be tested before engaging in sex and get the results together. However, there is always a possible chance. Always use a condom.
4 :
First of all for example if you were to have sex or share needles with someone who has been diagnosed with hiv then you yourself are at risk of contracting the you catch hiv from someone who has been infected with the virus. there are several misconceptions such as with gay men as studies say that they are more likely to catch it..leading people to think that it must be the fact they have anal sex but this is not the is purely to do with the fact that gay men are statistically less likely to have protective sex and are more likely to be sexually active. The HIV virus can be spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The most common way that HIV is spread is through sexual intercourse, including oral and anal sex. The virus can also be spread through sharing needles, and from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby. However, due to advances in treatment, it is now possible to prevent the virus from being passed on by the mother to her child. You can't catch HIV from kissing, from being sneezed on by someone with HIV, from sharing baths, towels or cutlery with an HIV-infected person, from swimming in a pool or sitting on a toilet seat that someone with HIV has used, or from animals or insects such as mosquitoes.
5 :
I don't where you've been looking for info but you've found is incomplete. HIV is transmitted through blood and other body fluids such as semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. It is not transmitted by saliva or tears. Exposure to body fluids can occur in various ways -- through unprotected sex, sharing needles, exposure to infected blood that contacts unintact areas of skin or mucus membranes, such as the eyes. There are millions of websites that discuss HIV and AIDS and that also list the way in which the virus can be transmitted and I've never, ever seen one that listed only sex as a means of transmission Your next question is answered by looking at these sites.
6 :
Well you can get HIV/AIDS if you share needles with someone share foods with someone thats has HIV/AIDS have unprotected sex with some thats has it and if someones blood goes in side you blood has it and if some coughs or sneezes and you breath it in. You could only get HIV/AIDS from all that a person thats has HIV/AIDS expect for the needle parts.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How come the news never mentions the high rate of HIV/AIDS infection of black people but they tell you about

How come the news never mentions the high rate of HIV/AIDS infection of black people but they tell you about?
Other - News & Events - 2 Answers
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1 :
Black people only deserve attention relating to violence.
2 :
Well, I wouldn't use the word "NEVER", but there is a huge trend in America of Hispanics acquiring HIV/AIDS more than any other race so it is newsworthy.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

How should we handle the spread of Hiv/ Aids in America

How should we handle the spread of Hiv/ Aids in America?

Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
im glad im in the uk hun.usa is rife wid the virus.we do have ere but not as much as u do oit there.i think it has alot to do wid people actually caring no to spread it.usa they dont care and ;jus love to spread it freely and dont have no care in the world dat its being spread all the uk its abig thing wen u have hiv or aids and u dont be spiteful wid it either.i dont no wat the world is coming too.people now adays think its good to share the fact that thye got hiv.disgusts me totally.i dont think there is away to prevent the spreading of aids and hiv.if there is i wud glady agree to it.sorry but u got me on this 1.good lquestion2.pinkssssssssssssssssss
2 :
Actually pinks HIV infection rates in both the UK and US are lower than 1%. Also being illiterate and ignorant does a lot to improve your countries image. (keep up the good work!) I think HIV and AIDS education is the best way to prevent its spread. Using protection every time is the best way to prevent HIV and if people are educated this will make this happen more often.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How many people died in 1981 from HIV/AIDS;how many people was infected

How many people died in 1981 from HIV/AIDS;how many people was infected?

STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
I don't know that you will be able to get a clear number for the year of 1981 because the term AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was not properly defined by the CDC until around September of 1982. Are you wanting to know how many people in the U.S. died or how many people worldwide died? "More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981." * As for how many were infected- that is hard to know as there are people that can carry HIV and not know they have it.
2 :
In 1981, the New York Times reported 41 gay males had contracted what was then an unknown immune disorder. It was not until 1983 that this disorder was found to be caused by AIDS. And since it was not until 1985, that a reliable HIV test was developed, it is nearly impossible to say for sure how many died of HIV in 1981.
3 :
According to Michael Worobey, a University of Arizona evolutionary biologist, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people and about 40 million others are infected with HIV. In the link provided, "The researchers think an unknown single infected Haitian immigrant arrived in a large city like Miami or New York, and the virus circulated for years -- first in the U.S. population and then to other nations." The AIDS virus invaded the United States in about 1969 from Haiti. The timeline laid out in the study led by Worobey indicates that HIV infections were occurring in the United States for roughly 12 years before AIDS was first recognized by scientists as a disease in 1981. Many people had died by that point.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

What are the ways you can get HIV/AIDS

What are the ways you can get HIV/AIDS?
I have a friend that has it and i dont want him to transfer it to me...
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
unprotected sex or blood transfusion pretty much, dont do either
2 :
sharing needles, sex, blood any bodily fluids i would stay away from
3 :
You can get HIV: By having unprotected sex- sex without a condom- with someone who has HIV. The virus can be in an infected person’s blood, semen, or vaginal secretions and can enter your body through tiny cuts or sores in your skin, or in the lining of your vagina, penis, rectum, or mouth. By sharing a needle and syringe to inject drugs or sharing drug equipment used to prepare drugs for injection with someone who has HIV. From a blood transfusion or blood clotting factor that you got before 1985. (But today it is unlikely you could get infected that way because all blood in the United States has been tested for HIV since 1985.) Babies born to women with HIV also can become infected during pregnancy, birth, or breast-feeding. You cannot get HIV: By working with or being around someone who has HIV. From sweat, spit, tears, clothes, drinking fountains, phones, toilet seats, or through everyday things like sharing a meal. From insect bites or sting From donating blood. From a closed-mouth kiss (but there is a very small chance of getting it from open-mouthed or "French" kissing with an infected person because of possible blood contact).
4 :
HIV is transmitted by unprotected sex, sharing needles for drug use, otherwise getting infected body fluid into your bloodstream, or it can be transmitted from a woman to a child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. HIV is not transmitted by saliva or by casual contact. The only way that kissing would be any risk is if you both have bleeding gums or open cuts in your mouths. Otherwise, it is completely safe to touch, hug, or even kiss someone who has HIV.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

I need help with something was there ever any HIV AIDS patients in the olympics

I need help with something was there ever any HIV AIDS patients in the olympics ?
and if there were who were they [how do you think the media would respond if there was HIV/AIDS patients in the olympics] thats justa question
Olympics - 3 Answers
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1 :
Is this some homework? I've seen multiple people ask this question this evening alone and school in the US started yesterday..
2 :
Yeah, Greg Louganis He didn't reveal his status until later though.
3 :
Magic Johnson. Discovered he had HIV in 1991, played in the Olympics in 1992.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

what is the growth rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Botswana

what is the growth rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Botswana?
I really need to know the answer to this, im written a paper on the HIV/AIDs epedemic in Botswana, and i cant find that little rate anywhere): haha so any help?(:
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
look it up

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

what is the demographics [description of the population that is affected by HIV/AIDS] in france

what is the demographics [description of the population that is affected by HIV/AIDS] in france?
creatina profile of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in france; what is the demographics .. or the kind of people that are affected by HIV/AIDS? such examples can be gender, age, race etc.
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
Here is the base line numbers by year. France map of demographics- Population, 200761,700,000 People living with HIV/AIDS, 2005130,000 Women (aged 15+) with HIV/AIDS, 200545,000 Children with HIV/AIDS, 2005nd Adult HIV prevalence (%), 20050.4 New HIV infections, 2005nd AIDS deaths, 20051,500 nd = No data Source: Population Reference Bureau & UNAIDS With UN, Private Organizations and French Government sites of other demographics listed.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What age and gender are most at risk for HIV/AIDS

What age and gender are most at risk for HIV/AIDS?
Charts if possible please, I need 'em for a school project.
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
probably 16-30 years. They have the most sex, but anyone is at risk.Whether it be your first time or many.
2 :
At any age, anytime, anywhere. You can get it when your born, that's if your mother has it. You can get it through blood transfusion, sharing needles, anal sex, and sexual intercourse.
3 :
If you go to you could get some useful information.

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Sunday, November 1, 2009

How did the first human contract HIV (AIDS)

How did the first human contract HIV (AIDS)?
I know it was from Monkeys but how?
STDs - 8 Answers
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1 :
I don't think any one knows the answer to that.
2 :
eating and banging bangable monekys
3 :
I've heard from eating them.
4 :
An European hunter in Africa had a wound and the blood from the monkey made contact with it, he then had sex and the story begins there.
5 :
viruses constantly mutate which is why we are still fighting influenza and the common cold
6 :
there's already a best answer for this question go to: Hope that helps. -Ryan M
7 :
a man had a cut got infected from a monkey and then passed it on... and here we are today
8 :
The most likely explanation is that hunters in the Democratic Republic of Congo were came into contact with the blood chimps that they were hunting, as the common practice was to butcher them. How exactly HIV-1 originated from SIV(simian immunodeficiency virus) is still a mystery.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

would Masturbation Cause any type of disease or get HIV/AIDS

would Masturbation Cause any type of disease or get HIV/AIDS?
Right at the point im really scared it might cause a problem so is it ok or not?And whats the limit i can do in a week?
Men's Health - 9 Answers
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1 :
NOOOOO...its normal, natural, and healthy...
2 :
No, you can't give yourself diseases by masturbating. You wont go blind or grow hair on your palms either.
3 :
No, you won't get any disease by masturbating unless you do it with someone else and that there is a bodily fluid exchange. There is no actual limit, but you could say it's too much if it starts affecting your social life.
4 :
then all dudes would have HIV/AIDS...
5 :
If it is self masturbation anything you could pick you already have it, where would you get it. It is a self regulating body function, whenyou do it you stop. MANY BOYS DON'T USE ENUF LUBRICANT. if it's irritated either slow down the frequncy or increase lube.
6 :
no and there is none but u will no ur limit trust me
7 :
Nope, masturbation will not cause you to develop any disease, nor will it weaken your eyesight or any of the other fables. Use lube or baby oil to keep from rubbing yourself raw. Your limit is when your body tells you it is too much. Sore, swollen, sensitive, or raw penis. An actual sore on the penis like you got it caught in a zipper. Just keep everything clean, don't use a soap product in the shower for can burn like a b**** if it goes down the tip. If you do go overboard, just give it a rest for a couple of days to let it heal and it will be good as new. It heals rapidly.
8 :
no, absolutely no harm from jerking it. if fact, may prevent some harm as you're not so terribly horny and less likely to do something dumb. limit is when it gets sore. if it hurts, stop for a couple days.
9 :
No, you can't get ANY type of STD (sexually transmitted disease) from masturbating by yourself. HIV and other STDs - like herpes, syphillis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts etc - are transmitted by sexual activity. In other words you must come in contact with the sexual parts of someone who has it and/or exchange body fluids - like if semen got in your mouth or rectum or blood got in your body. So even masturbating with another person - male or female - there would be no transmission of disease unless they had a herpes blister or warts you or they touched and then touched your genitals. If the tip of your penis comes in contact with germ covered objects - rotten food, human or animal feces, urine, etc - then you could get a urinary tract infection. It would be cured by antibiotics. Masturbation is harmless. It doesn't take anything away from the rest of your body. The only purpose semen and sperm have is to be ejaculated. Just stay away from porn and keep your thoughts pure by using your imagination to fantasize about all the great sex you'll have when married. There's no limit. Teen guys masturbate anywhere from a few times a week to a few times a day. If you masturbate 4 or 5 times in a day, you might run dry of fluids to ejaculate. But a dry orgasm still feels good and doesn't hurt anything and is only temporary. Your supply of semen rebuilds slowly.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

When getting tested for HIV/AIDS, is it one test or two

When getting tested for HIV/AIDS, is it one test or two?
Is there one for HIV and one for AIDS, or one test that covers both?
STDs - 13 Answers
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1 :
it's the same disease.....
2 :
One.. they take blood samples which is done in one shot...
3 :
one A hep screen takes three separate vials
4 :
5 :
6 :
they are the same disease. so there's only one test. and they came out with a new test, that is just a mouth swab that takes like a minute. hope i helped :)
7 :
it is the same disease different names, only one test
8 :
its one test.
9 :
its 1 blood test
10 :
HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. Standard initial testing is a test to detect antibodies to HIV. Testing can be done by oral swab or blood test. If the initial test is positive, followup blood testing is done to confirm that you have HIV. HIV kills CD4 cells. Once the CD4 count drops to 200 or below, diagnosis changes from HIV to AIDS.
11 :
One for both.
12 :
It is one test.
13 :
hi darling...wish they dont do two tests for u. they start with one test which called Elisa test, if its: 1- negative, then the person is HIV -....mean u r 2-positive, then they repeat the test , if its posetive then u r HIV +

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to spread HIV AIDS? & HIV and AIDS are different

How to spread HIV AIDS? & HIV and AIDS are different?
give in detail please
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
HIV/AIDS is a sexually-transmitted disease: you can only get it if (a) your parent (or parents) have HIV/AIDS, in which case you might be a carrier or an actual patient, or by having sexual intercourse. HIV/AIDS are pretty much the same, but HIV is the name of the condensed early stages. And AIDS is the later, more serious issue.
2 :
HIV is the virus that can lead to AIDS. HIV damages the immune system by killing cells that help us fight infections. Once that cell count drops to 200 or below, diagnosis changes to AIDS. People whose immune systems have been severely damaged by HIV can die from infections such as colds, flu, pneumonia, and many others. There is no cure for HIV, but medications can help many people who have HIV live healthier, longer. HIV can be transmitted by unprotected sex with someone who is infected, sharing needles for drug use with someone who is infected, or it can be transmitted from a woman to her child during birth or breastfeeding. HIV is NOT transmitted by saliva or by casual contact.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Can you get HIV/AIDS by sharing food with an infected person

Can you get HIV/AIDS by sharing food with an infected person?
If you have a cut in your mouth?
Other - Health - 6 Answers
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2 :
I think any body fluid can spread the AIDs.
3 :
Definitely Not. It has to be blood or semen.
4 :
The HIV / AIDS would have to be spread through blood. So, they would have to have a bleeding cut on their mouth or hand and get blood on the food. Then, an open cut or wound on your body or in your mouth would have to make contact with their blood. This appears highly unlikely, but still possible. Although, the virus would most likely not survive in the environment outside of the body or that of the saliva in your mouth. Saliva won't transfer the virus, though. Just don't make blood to blood contact. And, obviously, definitely don't have sex with the person, so make sure it's not an aphrodesiac that you're eating.
5 :
No. Well maybe if you are chewing for one another. *gross*
6 :
Well actually.. it's not impossible but the HIV virus doesn't survive long enough in the open air to pose a significant threat.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

What do you think about young youth with Hiv/Aids to day

What do you think about young youth with Hiv/Aids to day?
How can the goverment help?
Other - Health - 2 Answers
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2 :
It is necessary to make prevention campaigns, so that HIV - dont become HIV +, and all the people who already are, need to access their medicines, they must be available to buy, and affordable as was already said.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why is Wright blaming Caucasians for conspiring to infect blacks with HIV, AIDS, drug addiction

Why is Wright blaming Caucasians for conspiring to infect blacks with HIV, AIDS, drug addiction,?
forcing them to choose abortion,and every other evil under the sun?
STDs - 8 Answers
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1 :
because racism sells
2 :
Because his mom was probably a HIV infected, drug and alcohol addicted chick dating a white guy. LoL
3 :
Because he's totally out of his mind....and have to blame someone, doesn't he??? At least it's not taking us 20+ years to figure out, as it did with Obama......
4 :
Check out Hunts Point Terminal in Bronx, NY & many other urban areas and you will learn that primarilly blacks, not whites, sell their bodies & narcotics in these areas so, in actuality, blacks " conspire " to sell to whites & other blacks----The correct about many blacks being infected with HIV, AIDS & drug addiction. It is so pervasive that I once saw a black grandmother at an abortion clinic where her daughter was having an abortion. The grandmother was 27 years old.
5 :
he hates Caucasians, and bad as he hates his skin he wants all to pay..I fell he is obsessed with hate. and he has found others who feel the same way and he out to to destroy. the white man. if Omaba should get elected, how far would he go with listening to his hero and mentor.that is the question that worries me. I hope and pray America is seeing the same thing.can we afford taking that chance.God Bless America.
6 :
Keep in mind that there are some very powerful people who need to have Obama out of the way in order to accomplish their objectives.The media is more than willing to help.Do a bit of research on the GAIA.Sometimes the truth is a very disturbing thing.I'm not suggesting that everything Wright says is complete truth, but don't you think the timing of all this controversy is very convenient?Ask yourself who stands to benefit and it will answer many many questions!
7 :
HOW DARE YOU !!!!!..Your hero Ronald Reagan invented A.I.D.S. to kill off gay men, this is a fact !! A.I.D.S. ended up in the Black community and he saw that as a added bonus !! President G. H.W. Bush invented crack cocaine he got from the C.I.A. and forced it into their cities !!! ..I think you owe someone an apology !!
8 :
because racism

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Is it possible to contract HIV/AIDS from popping a pimple on the face or back of an infected individual

Is it possible to contract HIV/AIDS from popping a pimple on the face or back of an infected individual?

STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Its possible if the person that popped the pimple had an open sore or cut on their finger and came in contact with the pus from the pimple.
2 :
if there was blood and then you put your fingers in your mouth then yeah. but other than that nopee. i did a whole project on HIV/AIDS
3 :
definitely. if you have an open wound on your hands and it gets into contact with the puss from the pimple
4 :
There is a low risk there. If you got the blood of someone HIV+ in your eye there is a chance of infection.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can you get HIV/AIDS from using the public bathroom

Can you get HIV/AIDS from using the public bathroom?
While i had to take a "****", my poop hit the toilet water, which splashed into my butthole. What are the chances that I might have gotten aids/hiv from this... P.S: I know this is nasty, but i'm just worried.
STDs - 6 Answers
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1 :
Zero. lear some general health knowledge
2 :
listen yah.. no, you cant im pretty sure i read this question before in health class and im pretty sure you cant but hey dont worry you wont die lol. you will be fine.
3 :
you have aids, your going to die. lmao
4 :
You are not at risk. Once outside the body, exposed to air, HIV dies within a few minutes.
5 :
Next to nothing. HIV doesn't live for more then a few minutes out side of the body, in fluids or on objects. HIV is more likely to be transmitted if you have sex with some one that has it.
6 :
NO chance. Zero. forget it

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Monday, September 28, 2009

How has Hiv/Aids impacted the world's population

How has Hiv/Aids impacted the world's population?
Infectious Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
It has impacted it badly, more so outside the U.S., due to lack of availability to medical care and medicines. And that HIV/AIDS education is also lacking in most 3rd world countries. Numbers of infections are still rising at alarming rates in China, India as well as Africa.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

If a person tests low positive for HIV/AIDS in the ELISA test,does that mean they are in an early phase

If a person tests low positive for HIV/AIDS in the ELISA test,does that mean they are in an early phase?
Yeah. If they test low positive, does that mean they are in phase 2/3 and if they test high positive, does that mean they are in phase 4?
STDs - 1 Answers
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well i would say best to get bloodwork, so the viral load and tcells is counted if the viral load is undetectable and the tcells are high it's a good chance that it's an early phase, but may require drugs to keep it under wraps. so get medical treatment u can test positive within 3 months of being infected. stage 4 is when ur tcells are gone under 200 and u are considered then to have AIDS but that number can go up again, but still that diagnosis of AIDS will still be what that person is classified as.. i had a friend go to tcell 32 now he's in the 600s. the meds work

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

How could possibly the first ever HIV AIDS victim got infected? As HIV spreads from human to human

How could possibly the first ever HIV AIDS victim got infected? As HIV spreads from human to human.?
Where did the first person get HIV AIDS from? Ofcourse it spreads from one person to other, but how on the earth did the first person get affected. As HIV virus is not air borne and it spreads through sex, blood etc. I hope we are able to find a cure and erase it completely.
STDs - 4 Answers
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1 :
Many scientists believe that HIV mutated from an simian. Much like what they expect the blue flu virus that currently is in the news will eventually do. In other words, the virus jumped from one species to another.
2 :
Now I heard a rumer that some guy had some fun with a monkey....and then brought it back here. gross.
3 :
HIV is very similar to SIV - Simian Immuodeficiency Virus. Simians are monkeys & apes. SIV probably lived in the simian population for many thousands or millions of years. At some point a simian's blood - maybe through a bite, maybe through preparing it for food - got into a person's blood. SIV mutates easily - it may have "percolated" in the human population for hundreds of years as a mildly infectious, nonfatal disease until it mutated into what we now know as HIV. Or, it may have mutated quickly. That's a question best left to science & I'm not sure they have a definitive answer yet! There have been a couple of documented AIDS cases from the late 1950's. We'll never know how many people were infected or died from it back then. It was certainly extremely rare. As for people having sex with a chimp - come on, use your common sense. It's a myth.
4 :
There are a few theories listed at the website below, this is the most common one so I only posted this one. The most commonly accepted theory is that of the 'hunter'. In this scenario, SIVcpz was transferred to humans as a result of chimps being killed and eaten or their blood getting into cuts or wounds on the hunter. Normally the hunter's body would have fought off SIV, but on a few occasions it adapted itself within its new human host and become HIV-1. The fact that there were several different early strains of HIV, each with a slightly different genetic make-up (the most common of which was HIV-1 group M), would support this theory: every time it passed from a chimpanzee to a man, it would have developed in a slightly different way within his body, and thus produced a slightly different strain. An article published in The Lancet in 20043, also shows how retroviral transfer from primates to hunters is still occurring even today. In a sample of 1099 individuals in Cameroon , they discovered to ten (1%) were infected with SFV (Simian Foamy Virus), an illness which, like SIV, was previously thought only to infect primates. All these infections were believed to have been acquired through the butchering and consumption of monkey and ape meat. Discoveries such as this have lead to calls for an outright ban on bushmeat hunting to prevent simian viruses being passed to humans.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can you get HIV/aids by sharing lollipop ice cream with somebody that is infected with HIV/aids

Can you get HIV/aids by sharing lollipop ice cream with somebody that is infected with HIV/aids?
today at my school i share wiht a gurl my lolipop ice cream and i think she is infected with HIV/aids so yeahh...
Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
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1 :
Not likely. Don't share food and make-up and combs and brushes with people. Below is a link to the Center for Disease Control.
2 :
Absolutely not. HIV transmission is primarily done sexually. It is a bloodborne disease. Your saliva cannot contain the virus as it does not shed. It is found in the blood stream. You would have to drink gallons of her saliva or engage in unprotected sex with her to even have a 4-10% chance of getting sick. Please get educated on HIV/AIDS as this will be what protects you. If you walk around thinking that swapping spit with someone is what gives you AIDS, you are out of your mind. People like you are the type who will get it the first time they have sex because they don't know how to be safe.
3 :
The answer is no. And you can't tell if a person has AIDS just by looking at them, so please don't spread rumors about this poor girl.
4 :
HIV/AIDS can only be transmitted by sexual intercourse, from mother-to-child (through pregnancy and the womb), and by sharing drug needles. So a lollipop just won't do the trick. And if she was infected with HIV/AIDS, the only symptoms that would show would be her deteriorating immune system, which would mean that the virus HIV would be turning into AIDS, and even the slightest cold could be deadly to her. I doubt she has HIV/AIDS, because if you can tell, then she's probably not going to school, but lying down sick. Just my thoughts...
5 :
you cant get HIV from sharing drinks, food, chapstick etc. but you can get meningitis or mono unless you have gotten shots. HIV is only transmitted through oral,anal, and vaginal sex; and/or sharing needles. saliva,tears, sweat. and pee dont have enough HIV to get you infected

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

do you think there are best measures that can help poor people to get ride from HIV/ AIDS

do you think there are best measures that can help poor people to get ride from HIV/ AIDS?
In answering this Qsn, May you think of poor countries.
Sociology - 3 Answers
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Apparantly there is a direct link between education and contraction of HIV - the longer a person is in education, the less likely they are to become infected. So I think more money should be put into education in the countries in question.
2 :
The only way is the educate them and make them aware of how AIDS/ HIV spreads and how they can prevent it. Education is the key, so anyone can just go to rural areas, take your friends along, and tell them. Make projects, on your own, or involve your school, and create awareness programmes. IT doesn't only have to be the government and big organisations. All you have to do is talk to them, and anyone can do that.
3 :
ABsolutely there are. Keep in mind that the horrors of Capitalism exist which may stop someone from receiving the help. Look at Magic Johnson, why is he alive and "healthy?" Sadly but true, there are links between social class, education, and diseases.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the atitude of the people who effeted by hiv/aids and the others'

the atitude of the people who effeted by hiv/aids and the others'?
the thinking of peole to the one who has hiv/aids or the feeling or themselve
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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1 :
People think they can easily be affected on contact with the victims. The victims on their own always are always ashamed and fell isolated.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is ponograghics teaching unsafe sex causing HIV/AIDS and should sellers of pornograghics be sued

Is ponograghics teaching unsafe sex causing HIV/AIDS and should sellers of pornograghics be sued?
The young are bieng taught unsafe sex practices including anal sex on video and can sellers or government who approved pornograghics be sued.?David Harris
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers
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People were having unprotected sex and anal sex long before Pornography came along. You can’t blame porn. Shouldn’t the parents teach their children safe sex instead of blaming a porn video?
2 :
People would know not to take porno practices as an instruction manual if there was proper sex education. But America is still crippled by the religious extreme-right-wing "teach abstinence" mode (which si why so many people on these boards don't understand basic anatomy and biology). And in Britain they teach the important stuff too late - at 14-15 yrs old, when they should give you the basic facts of life you're 8 or 9 ('cause that's when you start getting misinformed "behind the bike sheds"). I started sexually educating myself at the age of about 11 - and it's because of that that I never had a confused idea of what causes AIDS or any other sexual malady.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

What are the issues associated with HIV/AIDS

What are the issues associated with HIV/AIDS?
i need a little help on this for my essay. Thanks! This is the tittle of my essay.
STDs - 2 Answers
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Easy to get sick/feel weak. and eventually you get so sick you die.
2 :
Non medical issues are the ignorance of the general population. There are many people who are so uneducated that they believe myths on how people become infected. They also think they can tell if a person is HIV+ just by looking at them. Or that they don't feel they are at risk because they are not gay. Or there are many people who are infected, but have never tested so they don't know they have HIV and are infecting others. These are some of the major issues.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm looking for a fiction book of the romance genre that deals with HIV/AIDS

I'm looking for a fiction book of the romance genre that deals with HIV/AIDS?
It can be from the POV of the person who has it or from the other person. I want to read about something that deals at least a little with the fear of beginning a relationship with someone who is positive...Doesnt matter whether its a gay or a straight couple. But nothing about third world countries, please.
Books & Authors - 3 Answers
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2 :
The Hours
3 :
Bryce Courtney wrote a book about his son who had AIDS,sounds a lot like its what you're after. I think it was called April Fool,or something similar. A librarian or bookseller will certainly know the right title.

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