Saturday, November 12, 2011

What are your views on people with HIV/AIDS

What are your views on people with HIV/AIDS?
Im just curious as to what people's honest opinion is of those with HIV/AIDS. Thanks.
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The same as they are on people with cancer. I generally feel for them. Though I believe they should do everything possible to not spread the disease.
2 :
They are human beings with a disease. My family has not had to deal with this personally, but we have friends and some of their family members are sick. I treat them with the respect and love every human deserves. It is not contagious by hugging or shaking someones hand or kissing in the cheek. Compassion goes a long way.
3 :
I have a cousin with AIDS, I feel sorry for him and for all the others with it. Gay or straight, its a disease that no one should ever have to suffer.
4 :
I never knew anyone with aids. Im sure the disease is wicked. Im just going to never have sex until i meet one person i can trust

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