I'm doing an essay for college and need help thinking of another measure for this. I have healthy eating. Anything else??
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
A drug treatment known as HAART ( Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) is often used to retard the development of, or treat aids. It basically attempt to reduce the viral load.
2 :
there is no way to enhance them but to reassure them that thier no differnt frm any other human being being a care taker for the hiv /aids victims i work ina hospital where everyday u see hope and despair teach them that everyday is special teach that tomorrow will be better and brighter and and especiallly how all theses wonderfull men and women trying to make it better with differnt meds
3 :
That's a good start. Second, reduce the viral load. This could be done easily. Next, take the suggestion of the top AIDS researcher ( Dr. Anthony Fauci ) and use the drug selzentry. It could be a cure if they were to then use a vaccine ( even a non-specific one ).
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