Friday, November 28, 2008

what is the estimated time frame of a complete discovery of the HIV/AIDS healing drug or even the vaccine

what is the estimated time frame of a complete discovery of the HIV/AIDS healing drug or even the vaccine?
How much research is taking place towards achieving the goal of healing HIV/AIDs or finding the vaccine?
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
hard to say. will probably be awhile. the virus is very difficult to treat because it constantly mutates, so as soon as we develop a vaccine the virus has already mutated so it is ineffective. i think there is probably quit a bit of research going into it. its becoming more of a chronic disease, its not that unusual for people to live more than 20 years after being infected anymore (in the US anyway, africa is a different story)
2 :
You dont need drugs or a vaccine to get rid of HIV/AIDS. The cure was found in 1990 by Drs.William Lyman and Steven Kaali at the Albert Einstein College of Medecine in New York City. It has been suppressed since then and thats why most people have never heard of it. The inventors have filed for a patent, and on August 18, 1992, patent #5,139,684 was granted. In a nutshell the cure for hiv/aids is done by the electrification of the blood. You can either buy or make your own device that introduces a gentle micro current of electricity to flow in both the Ulnar and Radial arteries located on underside of the foerearm just behind the wrists. If anyone is int
3 :
It could be possible now.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

So, this Sharon Angle woman thinks a 13 yr. old rape victim who contracted HIV (Aids) along with pregnancy

So, this Sharon Angle woman thinks a 13 yr. old rape victim who contracted HIV (Aids) along with pregnancy?
Should bear a child with HIV while she attends 7th grade with AIDS? Whoa, that compassion won't win a ticket to Disneyworld, never mind a political seat representing junior high rape victims and AIDS victims. Her elitism is not of the real world, now is it?
Politics - 9 Answers
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1 :
It is up to the girl, poor thing, hope she has support from friends and family.
2 :
By that logic, maybe we should abort the 13 yr. old out of compassion so she is spared a life of AIDS and mental trama. Look either you believe the fetus is a separate human with its own DNA, brain, etc or you don't. If you don't, it's easy to see how abortion is an excellent solution to this problem. If you do, then you have to wonder what that human did to deserve being killed.
3 :
Angle's answer...when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
4 :
Sharron - not "Sharon" -- two Rs. Sharron Angle voted against EVERYTHING that ever came up for a vote... EVERYTHING. There was even joke about her: "47 to Angle" - in other words she was the ONLY person who just voted "no" on absolutely everything, She has a reputation with her colleagues as being difficult to work with and is considered an extremist even among members of her own party. She will not win the election but if she does it will be the worst thing that could happen to her because her extremist viewpoints will be exposed and will destroy her political chances permanently. I don't recall anything she said about that child having AIDS, being pregnant, and being in the 7th grade all at the same time but she did say that a 13 year old girl that was raped by her father and gets pregnant should bear the child. She is a nut.
5 :
Sharon Angle also said to "turn lemons into lemonade" when getting pregnant from rape. This woman is disgusting, selfish, and just plain inhumane. How can you say such a thing about RAPE VICTIMS, of all people? I have no idea how someone as stupid as she survived so long on this planet.
6 :
Sharron Angle and Rand Paul are a couple of out-of-touch--darling--fruitcakes of the Tea Party establishment. After all...Ms. Angle once said that the 2nd Amendment gave people the right to revolt against the government and even *implied* that such an action was perfectly legal! And then Rand Paul...the son of the nut-brigade Ron Paul...publicly said that businesses should have the right to discriminate against people of color based on their race. And recently, he said that Obama's comments about BP would cause that company to fold under and disappear for good.
7 :
So what? She has no say on abortion. Its called choice, and she has chosen her side of the debate. Its no different than those lib lawmakers squawking about citizens owning guns. Its a done deal, both gun rights and abortion. Everyone has the right to an opinion, but the opinion is worthless in the real world.
8 :
Yet she holds a strong lead over Reid in the polls. Angles lead is at +4 as of 7/2. I don't know the woman. But Harry must be a real peace of shittt to lose to her. I can care less, I think it's a choice of which one is less evil. Make no mistake, Harry Reid is gone! And all you Democrats know it! Otherwise we wouldn't be talking about this right now!
9 :
I have actually heard about this. The girl was raped and impregnated by her FATHER. Angle "counseled" the young girl and equated the situation to taking lemons and making lemon ade. Angle's words Why a lemon? As a Northern Nevada Dem. all I can say is, we must have the most stupid Republicans in the country. The elected the only politician in the state who their Nemesis

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

What props would you have for a community drama group who've been asked to perform in workshops on HIV/AIDS

What props would you have for a community drama group who've been asked to perform in workshops on HIV/AIDS?
I have my own ideas, but I'd like to see what people have to say on here. This is in West Africa, so cost-effective props/wardrobe, etc, would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Theater & Acting - 1 Answers
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Coffins... If you can't find them, you could use big old cardboard boxes.

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

If people with HIV/AIDS only live 5 years eith meds. Why don't they just live in bubbles

If people with HIV/AIDS only live 5 years eith meds. Why don't they just live in bubbles?
I mean, people with other imuno-definciancy diseases live in bubbles. Is it the fact that's it just deosn't feel right to the person with HIV/AIDS or does that not work with people with HIV/AIDS?
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
depends what kind of HIV/AIDS you have..the new strain kills you in five years...the older magic johnson will not turn into aids for much more years. People can live with HIV for a long time.. when it progresses to AIDS is when the whole "bubble living" idea is brought up. main reasons why people live in a bubble is to prevent whatever they have from spreading and also prevent themselves from getting sicker. but the problem with aids is that it attacks the immune system. it does not matter if you live in a bubble or not. almost any bacteria or virus you can think of will effect you.
2 :
People with HIV can live for varying lengths of time with todays medications. It depends a lot on the individual. There is no particular "strain" which always causes death in a certain time period. I suppose, when their CD4 counts get very low, they could try to live in some sort of sterile containment bubble or suite, but that would be incredibly expensive, and limiting, and raises the question of if that life would ultimately be worth living.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS

Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS?
1. What conditions are caused by the herps simplex virus? 2.Briefly describe the stages of untreated syphilis 3.Would you consider the effort to educate high school students about HIV and AIDS to be successful? Why or why not?
STDs - 2 Answers
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1 :
3. It has only been partly successful. Many people still do not know how HIV is and is not transmitted. They either have no information at all, or they have incorrect information that they believe is correct. I see this every day at my job.
2 :
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common worldwide. HSV-1 (often called oral-facial herpes) is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking utensils, and HSV-2 (often called genital herpes) through sexual contact. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause infections around the face, mouth, and genitals. The infection may not show symptoms for a long time, and then become activated by exposure to the sun, fever, menstruation, emotional stress, a weakened immune system, or acute illness. Once you have herpes, it is likely to recur. In between herpes outbreaks, the virus lies dormant (like it is hibernating or sleeping) in nerve cells. Recurrent HSV-1 infections on the lip are often mild and are commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. HSV-2 lesions tend to recur more often and to be more severe than HSV-1 infections. Herpes infections in infants and in people who have weak immune systems or herpes infections that affect the eyes are serious and potentially life-threatening. Signs and Symptoms Small grouped blisters in the infected area like the genitals (namely, penis scrotum, vagina, cervix, or labia), around the genitals (such as anus or inner thighs) mouth, lips, tongue, gums, or throat; the blisters can then become ulcers (raw sores) and later crust over Burning, itching, pain, or tingling sensations often precedes the appearance of the blisters Enlarged lymph nodes near the infected area Fever, headache, and flu-like symptoms (such as muscle aches and malaise [generally feeling bad]), particularly when you first contract the virus Vaginal or penile discharge Pain with urination Causes HSV-1 is transmitted through saliva; therefore, kissing someone with HSV-1, drinking from the same instrument, or participating in oral-genital sex with someone who has HSV-1 can cause you to contract the virus. HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted disease meaning that it is transferred from one sexual partner to another through genital secretions. Herpes simplex may be transmitted even if the infected person does not have active symptoms or visible lesions. Also, a mother can pass the infection to her baby during vaginal birth, especially if there are active lesions around the vagina at the time of delivery. Risk Factors Oral herpes Everyone is at risk for oral herpes from HSV-1, including children many of whom are already infected by age three. In fact, studies suggest that by adolescence 62% of Americans are infected with HSV-1 and by the time one is in the 40's, 90% have been infected. Syphilis occurs in several different stages: Primary Syphilis In the first stage of syphilis, red, firm, and sometimes wet sores that don't hurt appear on the vagina, rectum, penis, or mouth. There is often just one sore, but there may be several. This type of sore is called a chancre (pronounced: shang-ker). Chancres appear on the part of the body where the spirochetes moved from one person to another. Someone with syphilis may also have swollen glands during this first stage. After a few weeks, the chancre will disappear, but that's not a sign that the disease has gone away. In fact, if the infection hasn't been treated, the disease will continue to get worse. Syphilis is highly contagious during this first stage. Unfortunately, it can be easy to miss because the chancres are painless and can appear in areas that may not be easy to see, like in the mouth, under the foreskin, or on the anus. This means that people may not know that they are infected, and can pass the disease on to others without realizing it. Secondary Syphilis If syphilis hasn't been treated yet, the person will usually break out in a rash (especially on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands) and may also notice flu-like symptoms, such as fever and achiness. Sometimes the rashes associated with syphilis can be very faint or look like rashes from other infections and, therefore, may not be noticed. Sores sometimes appear on the lips, mouth, throat, vagina, and anus รข€” but many people with secondary syphilis don't have sores at all. This secondary stage usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks and will go away with or without treatment. But if the infection hasn't been treated, the disease will continue to progress. Syphilis is still contagious during the secondary stage. Latent Syphilis If syphilis still hasn't been treated yet, the person will have a period of the illness called latent (hidden) syphilis. This means that all the signs of the disease go away, but the disease is still very much there. Even though the disease is "hiding," the spirochetes are still in the body. Syphilis can remain latent for many years. Tertiary Syphilis If the disease still hasn't been treated at this point, it becomes known as tertiary (or late-stage) syphilis. This means the spirochetes have spread all over the body and can affect the brain, the heart, the spinal cord, and bones. Symptoms of late

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Does mosquitos can spreds the Hiv AIDS virus

Does mosquitos can spreds the Hiv AIDS virus?
For example if mosquitos bites someone and suck a bloods which contain the HIV AIDS virus and after that this same mosquitos bites another persons in that places. So, with this cases could this mosquitos spread the virus??
STDs - 3 Answers
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No. if that were the case I would have been infected years ago. My partner is HIV+ and we have been bitten by the same mosquito on more than one occasion.
3 :
The answer is a resounding NO. From the start of the HIV epidemic there has been concern about HIV transmission of the virus by biting and bloodsucking insects, such as mosquitoes. However, studies conducted by the CDC and elsewhere have shown no evidence of HIV transmission through mosquitoes or any other insects -- even in areas where there are many cases of AIDS and large populations of mosquitoes. Lack of such outbreaks, despite intense efforts to detect them, supports the conclusion that HIV is not transmitted by insects. The results of experiments and observations of insect biting behavior indicate that when an insect bites a person, it does not inject its own or a previously bitten person's or animal's blood into the next person bitten. Rather, it injects saliva, which acts as a lubricant so the insect can feed efficiently. Diseases such as yellow fever and malaria are transmitted through the saliva of specific species of mosquitoes. However, HIV lives for only a short time inside an insect and, unlike organisms that are transmitted via insect bites, HIV does not reproduce (and does not survive) in insects. Thus, even if the virus enters a mosquito or another insect, the insect does not become infected and cannot transmit HIV to the next human it bites. There also is no reason to fear that a mosquito or other insect could transmit HIV from one person to another through HIV-infected blood left on its mouth parts. Several reasons help explain why this is so. Infected people do not have constantly high levels of HIV in their blood streams. Insect mouth parts retain only very small amounts of blood on their surfaces. Scientists who study insects have determined that biting insects normally do not travel from one person to the next immediately after ingesting blood. Rather, they fly to a resting place to digest the blood meal. Hope this helps

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How close are we to finding a cure for HIV/AIDS

How close are we to finding a cure for HIV/AIDS?

Infectious Diseases - 3 Answers
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Unfortunately nowhere near it. Scientists are working on new antiviral drugs that will slow the disease progression, but we are probably more than a decade away from a cure, in my opinion we won't have one in the foreseeable future. The routes being examined for a potential cure are unusual and not really explored for any other disease, so progress will be slow, and may completely hit a road block.
2 :
We aren't at all they is a drug out that can slow the progression of it but no cure. It is uncertain if we will ever find a cure for it,we might get close one day.But there could be a new kind out of no where you never know.
3 :
I heard in China that they experiments this aids by taking a person who has aids into a room with 42 degrees celcius and he needs to stay there for a while. I dont know how long time. Aids gets destroyed in 40 degrees celcius. I heard it for a couple of years ago but didnt do any research of that.

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

What are the chances of getting HIV/AIDS from a foreign object in my room

What are the chances of getting HIV/AIDS from a foreign object in my room?
I have like O.C.D. and tons of anxiety and i just get scared and paranoid. I cut myself the other day and the cut rubbed along pretty good along the bottom sole of one of my shoes that was laying around. I know you're thinking I sound like a nut but i just have O.C.D. and anxiety. Your clarification helps...
Infectious Diseases - 6 Answers
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1 :
If someone who is HIV positive bleeds or otherwise secretes fluids containing the virus on objects within your room, the secretion will only remain infectious for about ten to fifteen minutes before the cells deteriorate to a non-infectious state. Hope this answers your question.
2 :
It's not going to happen. You're more likely to get a staph infection than aids. If you wash and care for the cut appropriately you'll be fine. You don't have HIV or AIDS.
3 :
okay think of this ...what are the chances of that object having the fresh blood of someone with hiv? and their blood beeing in the exact spot that scratched you? did it drawl blood when you cut yourself? the chances of that happening are about 0.00000000000000000001 in a trillion
4 :
I would be amazed if you managed to contract HIV from that (unless, of course, your shoes are covered in infected blood... are they?)
5 :
Unless the foreign object is still moist from the bodily fluids of someone already infected with HIV *and* it comes in contact with a tear in your skin or mucous membranes, your chances of catching it are zero. HIV can survive for only a few minutes outside of the body.
6 :
ZERO. Once it is outside the body, HIV dies within a few minutes. See a counseloror psychiatrist for help with your OCD.

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