Getting rid of HIV/Aids? Do you think it would work?
Put a permanent mark or something permanent on the person that is infected and it should be mandatory for everyone to get tested once a year like a check-up. If not you have to go to court. I know this type of thing should be private but some people or spreading it just because they have it.
Infectious Diseases - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The mark thing reminds of what the Germans did to the Jews in WW2. That's a horrible idea. Makes me sick thinking about it. As for mandatory HIV/AIDS screenings every year for everyone, I think that's an okay idea but that would NEVER work. Who would pay for it? Would it be free for everyone? Even people without health care? (This question is kind of hurtful... be careful with what you say next time.)
2 :
How about tattooing "I have AIDS" on their forehead? Is that the sort of thing you had in mind? We could put them all into camps as well, that would also stop the spread of the disease. Then, if the cure didn't work, and they were going to die anyway, we could say "why don't you take a shower?" and then when they were in the shower we could gas them!
3 :
Why not just execute them while you're at it? The tiny number of scum who intentionally infect others doesn't warrant marking people with a "scarlet letter" to advertise a horrific disease that many of them contracted through no fault of their own. And who would pay for billions of annual tests, and how would that be enforced?
4 :
How about u practice safe sex and dont share needles !? That way u are not at risk yourself ... easy...
5 :
Regarding the title of this question, no. HIV is a family of highly mutagenic lentovirii, like the common cold (rhinovirii). They replicate so fast, curing one strain is meaningless because by the time you've developed that cure, 5 more strains have sprung up to fill the void. The only legitimate method of controlling HIV outbreaks is to influence the human factors that lead to their propagation. Executing people with HIV or giving them a mandatory branding is absurdly inefficient, because it just stops people from going to get checked up. Unless you plan to have the cops arrest everyone (bogging down not only the police, but the courts and judicial system as a whole), there's no point even trying to enforce the law. Not to mention that's against the Bill of Rights.
6 :
Everyone is attacking you for this question, and that's not right, because I see that you have good intentions, however what you are suggesting is unethical, and probably would not even get rid of the infection. No one deserves AIDS, but some people do it to themselves. The people who had unprotected sex, or shared needles, etc are already paying the price by being diagnosed with this disease. They don't deserve anything worse. Wrongly, HIV/AIDS is associated with drug users, prostitutes, etc.. but what about the people who have the virus, but don't use or have unprotected sex? For example, how about a doctor who was treating an AIDS patient, and the patient coughed up blood on them while they were giving a test, and they contracted the virus. Do they deserve to be stereotyped for this? People shouldn't be labeled by anything. Skin color. Ethnicity. Medical conditions included. This virus is something that our society should learn to accept, but right now, most people don't, therefore the people with it should not be considered any different than people without it. They should be self conscious of their condition and try their absolute hardest to keep their virus to themselves, and not spread it to anyone else. However, nothing makes these people inferior. It's a disease, whether they did it to themselves or not. I respect you for your idea, and your wanting to help, but think of how it would feel to have a permanent mark on your skin, defining you by a disease. I know I wouldn't like that.
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