Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can you get HIV/AIDS from a used lancelet

Can you get HIV/AIDS from a used lancelet?
A lancelet is what is used for diabetic patients while testing their blood sugar. Can you get HIV/AIDS from a used lancelet? What if the person that used the lancelet doesn't have HIV/AIDS? Just asking.
STDs - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yeah, it gets blood on it.
2 :
i really dont think so, but im not a dr
3 :
YES, you can... Don't re-use lancets... Even if you think the person is "clean," I still would use my own new one...
4 :
If the virus is present, you can contract it this way.
5 :
whenever you mix bodily fluids you expose yourself every single time
6 :
ys, yes sharing needles spread aids and this device is a needle
7 :
The chance is very high, but Do not take chances with your precious health! No, if the other person does not have that! There are too many other blood born infections that you could contract, be cautious!
8 :
Only if the other person who used has hiv/aids
9 :
Tell me,how the f*** u gonna get HIV from someone that dont got it ,man iz u stoopid or some thing? Dee Dee Dee
10 :
if the only person that used the lancet does not have aids/hiv, then there is no way for you to contract it. the virus is not there to contract. other bloodborne pathegens are tho, and noone knows if they could be susceptible to them so do not re-use lancets, whether they are yours or someone you trust. use a new one every time and only then if they are sterile.
11 :
If they didn't have AIDS then you can't get AIDS if they did and it has their fresh blood on it than It's possible\but I am fairly certain you would have to have used it to break open your skin or put it in an or face. I am not sure what the lifespan of the dried blood would be. If the virus would live through the process of drying up
12 :
yes. a used lancelet is no different than a used needle.you can still transfer.
13 :
It is possible only if the person has contaminated blood (which may or may not be currently showing up on their HIV test). However, since the purpose of the lance is to make one bleed out there is less chance of the virus entering the blood stream than , for example, using an infected needle to inject drugs.
14 :
yes of course u can
15 :
If a person who is HIV+ used the lancet recently and then you used the lancet there is a POSSIBILITY of transmission. But it would not be classified as high risk. A lot of people have misconceptions about the ease/efficiency of HIV transmission. Outside of unprotected sex and sharing IV needles, the risk of transmission is QUITE low. HIV does not materialize out of thin air. One of the people involved must be HIV+.

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