where did it supposedly come from?
Politics - 10 Answers
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1 :
There are many "theories" of where it came from and started - even some guy they call "patient zero" - a male stewardess I believe. mid 80's
2 :
It most likely jumped species from the Simian form SIV sometime in the early 20th century The first human documented HIV case is sometime in the late 1950s http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9802/03/earliest.aids/ Actually according to this, possibly in 1908 http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Study_estimates_first_human_HIV_infection_100_years_ago
3 :
They suspect that it came from Africa from people eating gorillas and monkeys. They've known about it in the US since 1985. I suspect that it spread during the 60's and 70's when alot of people were not aware of unprotected sex or sharing needles. (Lots of people did hard drugs and had unprotected sex back then).
4 :
came from Africa late 70s
5 :
It was first identified about 1980. The first cases were found in Africa and in New York City. It spread rapidly from these points.
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First human case was reported in 1978. Two theories of origin: 1. Contracted from primates in Africa. 2. Created in a lab by scientists for population control.
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Let me check with Reverend Wright. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvL9dLeDcSU
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There is speculations about where it come from, and that was the butchering of the Green Vervet Monkeys in Africa in or around the 1950s. But other studies have shown that the virus may have been around a lot longer but mutated into one that causes the extreme illnesses we see today, as there are individuals with generic immunity to the virus. And then you get the group that some how think it came from perverted sexual relations with a monkey the size of a house cat in the 1960s or 70s. Either way, it did not come from sexual relations with monkeys, it has probably been around a lot longer than most suspect as doctors in places like Africa did not have the means to understand the illnesses people were dying from. The virus was isolated in the 1980s and this also happens to be when the world started to see major outbreaks of the virus, or at least unexplained illnesses only normally seen in a few people a year around the world with weakened immune systems.
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10 :
I subscribe to the theory that AIDS was inadvertently developed by scientists in Africa working on a polio vaccine. THE ORIGIN OF AIDS pt.1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNbPcWIfn7I THE ORIGIN OF AIDS pt.2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DuQWSlVjYM THE ORIGIN OF AIDS pt.3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2fD4uDUCCs THE ORIGIN OF AIDS pt.4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKc20Z0TJfY THE ORIGIN OF AIDS pt.5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP4u8VaStfM
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