If you had to choice from the most horrible and misunderstood situations. As a sex offender all you need to be is accused regardless of guilt. The burden of proof is on the accused! sad really! there are a lot of innocent people register for the rest of their natural life as a sex offender! What would you choose and why?
Law & Ethics - 5 Answers
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1 :
Magic Johnson HIV-AIDS
2 :
I'd prefer neither thank you, but labeling people as sex offenders and putting them in jail gets politicians votes and the more Americans who are in jail, the lower our unemployment rate drops, I don't see unfair laws being changed any time soon. Oh it also makes other Americans feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing our government is monitering sex offenders.
3 :
if I was a sex offender I would want AIDS so I would die a horrible painful death like i deserved..
4 :
First off you have to be CONVICTED to be a Sex offender. Most convictions are based on evidence. Would rather be a sex offender, because that could be from peeing in public(how many drunks have done that).
5 :
Any time someone is accused of a crime they are presumed guilty until proven innocent because that is human nature. I'm able to choose if I want to be a sex offender or not and Im also able to choose to have HIV by having unprotected sex. I choose to have neither
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