Why are Black people more prone to HIV/AIDS?
http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/images/race_chart.gif This isn't a sad attempt at trolling. I was reading an article & it provoked a thought, seeing as there are many people of other races who have sex just as frequent and many of them use drugs more often than blacks! So why the whopping difference in percentage of those infected? Evan -- this isn't a personal attack. This is taken off of a legitimate gorverment-controlled website. http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/basic.htm#aidsrace crapbag -- the article gave me statistics, I was looking for perspective, not a defensive answer.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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Because they refuse to use condoms and get tested.
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They can't keep it in their pants.
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In Africa they don't shower that much and because black people have more bigger body than any other races big on everything lipz, butt...
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Weaker genetics.
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Yes that plain chart with no real official information on it..nice Im sure if someone took the HIV virus and injected some infected blood who ever it may be will have HIV
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in america or africa? in america its because alot of us blacks are brainwashed and dumbfounded in Africa its the Europeans came over there threatened them enslaved them and raped the women.
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Black people are just as prone to HIV/AIDS as anyone else.
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This is a social answer. The truth is not popular. Blacks and Hispanics make up the majority of lower income communities in the United States. The lower income communities are where the vast majority of prostitution and drug use occur. Since the spread of HIV is directly related to unprotected sex and misuse of hypodermic syringes, it stands to reason that Blacks and Hispanics would top the list.
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its in theire genes
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If it isn't a sad attempt at trolling, I'm a bit confused. Did you actually think you'd get anything other than "Black ppl r 2 dumb 2 use condoms lolz" as answers to this? I mean on the very same site you link to, there is an attempt to explain some of the contributing factors. I guess you didn't work very hard to really get to the bottom of this pressing issue.
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Girl shut up, them white gays are the ones spreading it.
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Every race is prone to AIDS, the chart seems to be simply saying how many people from where have got AIDS. Generally, sex with some1 with AIDS will infect white/black/yellow w/e. If black people are prone then it's probably because AIDS originated in Africa and therefore infected them 1st and has mutated to be more effective against African genes.
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The obvious would be sexual conduct.
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"Black men only care about a big butt. It may have something to do with black men's homosexual tendencies. For example, a HUGE number of black men are on the down-low. And another large percentage are straight up gay. So what do gay men check out on men? Their butt. Think about it. There was a study down a few years back, and while Asian and White men said they preferred breasts and hips, black men said butt and feet. Think about it. AIDS is so high in the black community. AIDS in black men is from black men having sex with each other. Black women have AIDS because they slept with men on the down-low. 30% of black men have been in prison were down-low behaviour is everywhere. Why do you think black men sag their pants? They are advertising their homosexuality indirectly." Someone had this answer on another question, but it's right. I saw it on the news and have read several articles about this. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgobQak8U8EDbiaAP4S_wXvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101112074832AAYXJay
16 :
For the same reasons whites have higher rates of pedophilia and incest in the community.
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