I mean, people with other imuno-definciancy diseases live in bubbles. Is it the fact that's it just deosn't feel right to the person with HIV/AIDS or does that not work with people with HIV/AIDS?
Infectious Diseases - 2 Answers
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1 :
depends what kind of HIV/AIDS you have..the new strain kills you in five years...the older one..like magic johnson will not turn into aids for much more years. People can live with HIV for a long time.. when it progresses to AIDS is when the whole "bubble living" idea is brought up. main reasons why people live in a bubble is to prevent whatever they have from spreading and also prevent themselves from getting sicker. but the problem with aids is that it attacks the immune system. it does not matter if you live in a bubble or not. almost any bacteria or virus you can think of will effect you.
2 :
People with HIV can live for varying lengths of time with todays medications. It depends a lot on the individual. There is no particular "strain" which always causes death in a certain time period. I suppose, when their CD4 counts get very low, they could try to live in some sort of sterile containment bubble or suite, but that would be incredibly expensive, and limiting, and raises the question of if that life would ultimately be worth living.
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