How much research is taking place towards achieving the goal of healing HIV/AIDs or finding the vaccine?
STDs - 3 Answers
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1 :
hard to say. will probably be awhile. the virus is very difficult to treat because it constantly mutates, so as soon as we develop a vaccine the virus has already mutated so it is ineffective. i think there is probably quit a bit of research going into it. its becoming more of a chronic disease, its not that unusual for people to live more than 20 years after being infected anymore (in the US anyway, africa is a different story)
2 :
You dont need drugs or a vaccine to get rid of HIV/AIDS. The cure was found in 1990 by Drs.William Lyman and Steven Kaali at the Albert Einstein College of Medecine in New York City. It has been suppressed since then and thats why most people have never heard of it. The inventors have filed for a patent, and on August 18, 1992, patent #5,139,684 was granted. In a nutshell the cure for hiv/aids is done by the electrification of the blood. You can either buy or make your own device that introduces a gentle micro current of electricity to flow in both the Ulnar and Radial arteries located on underside of the foerearm just behind the wrists. If anyone is int
3 :
It could be possible now.
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