Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why are HIV/AIDs more common in homosexual couples

Why are HIV/AIDs more common in homosexual couples?
I am looking to have sex with a another woman for the first time, and I was reading articles on safe lesbian sex and a lot of it stressed the risk of HIV/AIDS. I was wondering why HIV/AIDS is more common in homosexual couples. Or is the risk of HIV/AIDS the same regardless of same sex/heterosexual sex?
STDs - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is equally as risky to have heterosexual relations as it is to have homosexual ones. Just be safe no matter who you're with, male or female.
2 :
The top high risk activity is penetrative anal sex - very high risk of a small tear, thin membranes and deposition of bodily fluid. All of those raise the infection risk. Lesbian activity kinda misses on those risks so relax.
3 :
My understanding is that anal sex is more likely than vaginal sex to produce little tears or rips in the tissues, and this is how the virus is transmitted.
4 :
The risk is the same, whether the couple is homosexual or heterosexual. Because HIV/AIDS is now a pandemic, not just an epidemic, all literature about sex involves cautions about HIV/AIDS. It was once believed, in the 80s, that HIV/AIDS only appeared in homosexuals, but this theory was proven incorrect a long time ago.
5 :
for a month like iv read online. take care

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