i'd really like to have a boyfriend, but i'm really afraid of the prevalence of HIV in gay men, especially younger men. this is REALLY causing a lot of stress and depression in my life. a website said that 1 in 5 gay men in cities are HIV positive. i don't like those odds at all. i sometimes feel suicidal because of all of this. i don't want to be alone, but i couldn't deal with getting aids
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You should ask doctor for help!
2 :
just make sure the guy your with gets tested for HIV/AIDS. you cant just randomly get it buy having sex, you can only get it if the other guy has HIV/AIS
3 :
Dont be a stupid idiot. Your not gonna get hiv from having a boyfriend. You have like the same chance if you are straight. Infact there are more heterosexuals that have hiv than homosexuals... P.s its called protection
4 :
I dont think that what you are experiencing is not normal *I am not gay, but I can still help you w this, lol* but, I think that if you truly want a realtionship w someone, you should explain to them how important to you your life is, and how well you care for your body, and anybody that you date, you should *before becoming sexual* go get tested together at a local planned parenthood. If they are not willing to, they don't care about themselves, or you. good luck, dont let this debilitate your life!
5 :
Find a boyfriend you can trust, take HIV\AIDS test, use condoms and keep yourselves committed to each other. Everything will be at least ok.
6 :
look calm down your panicking over nothing there's things you can do to prevent it like use a condom and it isn't just gay people alot of heterosexual people get it as well
7 :
Well with every guy I tend to have relationship I ask him to get tested for all diseases and after about 2 months when I'm comfortable and trust him we go one step further. Always use protection!
8 :
It's not realtionships that cause HIV, it's unsafe sex with infected partners. Use a condom. If you're in a monogamous long term relationship and you want to go bareback, have him tested first. It shouldn't stop you from having a relationship.
9 :
I wouldn't believe everything I read on the internet-- in fact, I would believe very little of it. Statistics that are uncited are more than likely made up. Dude, don't let STDs stop you from being who you are. Are you sure it's that? It sounds more like, to me, that you may have other reasons for being stressed out. Being gay isn't easy, that's the truth. But if you use protection, man, that's all you can do. And it's pretty damn effective too.
10 :
well where i live in brighton it's 1/10 and my uncle is gay but remember u wont get aids if u use a condom and make sure you do and hopefully your be fine.
11 :
well i know a ton of gay men and some of them do have hiv but its not because they are gay its because of there sexual habits if you have a boyfriend and you trust him why not get tested for stds before beginning to have sex relax dude make the top wear a condom and most likely you'll be fine
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