Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what is the probability for hiv aids to be transfered by kissing

what is the probability for hiv aids to be transfered by kissing?

Infectious Diseases - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
0%. I think, actually, it has only happened once. Both individuals had bleeding gums and somehow one infected the other. It was anomalous.
2 :
only if both parties involved have open, bleeding sores in their mouths and exchange of those fluids happens. hiv doesn't transfer through saliva.
3 :
If you both have open sores in your mouth it could happen, but if you aren't bleeding and sucking down the others blood I wouldn't worry too much about it. You should be more concerned about spreading herpes through kissing!!
4 :
HIV is transmitted by the exchange of body fluids, so I suppose you could get it by kissing someone who is HIV positive.
5 :
HIV is not transmitted by saliva. Kissing someone who has HIV is NOT a risk unless you both have bleeding gums or open sores in your mouths. Even then, risk is EXTREMELY low.

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