Saturday, February 12, 2011

How can we help people realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations

How can we help people realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations?

Infectious Diseases - 230 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Many NGO'S are doing donate cash. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
2 :
There will always be selfish people that just don't care. The best thing individuals can do is find a respectable charity that helps children that are orphaned or infected with HIV/AIDS and give what you can to help them. Sometimes you can do things like start web sites or fund raisers and help to inform people of issues that are of importance to you. The world definitely needs more people that care. Thank you!
3 :
The way forward is twofold: Firstly new HIV infections must be prevented so that children do not lose their parents, and secondly care must be provided for those children who are already orphaned. The rest of this page is devoted to issues around the care of AIDS orphans in Africa, but it is also important that HIV prevention is not forgotten. The situation of AIDS orphans is ultimately generated by adult deaths; until this problem is addressed the orphan crisis will continue. Support for carers ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the early days of the AIDS orphan crisis, there was a rush by well meaning non-governmental organisations to build orphanages. Given the scale of the problem, though, this response was unsustainable, as the cost of maintaining a child in such an institution is much greater than other forms of care. Most people now believe that orphans should be cared for in family units through extended family networks, foster families and adoption, and that siblings should not be separated. Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa have repeatedly demonstrated that growing up in a family environment is more beneficial to a child than institutional care, which should be considered a temporary option or a last resort. Ultimately, though, the extended family can only serve as part of the solution to mass orphanhood if adequately supported by the state and the community, as well as other sectors of society. The community needs to be supportive of children when they are orphaned, making sure that they are accepted and have access to essential services, such as health care and education. This means improving existing services and reducing the stigma surrounding children affected by AIDS so that they do not face discrimination when trying to access these services. Keeping children in school --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schools can play a crucial role in improving the prospects of AIDS orphans and securing their future. A good school education can give children a higher self-esteem, better job prospects and economic independence. As well as lifting children out of poverty, such an education can also give children a better understanding of HIV and AIDS, decreasing the risk that they will become infected. Schools can also offer benefits to AIDS orphans outside of education, such as emotional support and care. Unfortunately orphans may be the first to be denied education when extended families cannot afford to educate all the children of the household. See our HIV, AIDS and Schools page for more about the ways that schools can provide support to children affected by HIV. Empowerment for children --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If AIDS orphans are as active members of the community rather than just victims, their lives can be given purpose and dignity. Many children already function as heads of households and as caregivers. They are a vital part of the solution and should be supported in planning and carrying out efforts to lessen the impact of AIDS in their families and communities. Protection for the legal & human rights of orphans --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much can be done to ensure the legal and human rights of AIDS orphans. Many communities are now writing wills to protect the inheritance rights of children and to prevent land and property grabbing, where adults attempt to rob orphans of their property once they have no parents to protect their rights. Children orphaned due to AIDS may face exploitation in other areas of their lives as well. For instance, recent evidence suggests that there is a relationship between AIDS orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa and increased child-labour. Meeting emotional needs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The physical needs of orphans, such as nutrition and health care, can often appear to be the most urgent. But the emotional needs of children who have lost a parent should not be forgotten. Having a parent become sick and die is clearly a major trauma for any child, and may affect them for the rest of their life.
4 :
Diseases impacts everyone world wide, some more than others , especially in developing countries where conditions of famine and constant war is ongoing. Nature is doing her job and wealthy countries are trying to be helpful to the poorer countries but the leaders in those poor countries aren't doing their job ! That is where the problem has been for the past 50 years !!!!!! Get rid of dictators one at a time ! & get rid of uneducated religious fanatics who still believe backwards mumbo-jumbo . This is not just a problem in Africa, for Asia and India are also dealing with deadly issues as well ! God bless the beasts & the children
5 :
no use shoving money into a country that is warring to help the disease ridden folks. the people who need help never get it ! the money will be used for more war instead. throwing money away is okay, that's your choice, but it's not okay to throw it into a country already on fire, for it makes the flames even hotter and more dangerous
6 :
Education is the key to help communities understand HIV/AIDs. Learning prevention and the causes of the disease is the first stepping stone.
7 :
Loads of publications I suppose...on the net for low costs and loads of leaflets circulating...talks in schools and colleges etc etc... that's the way to raise awareness.
8 :
People realize it, but they don't care. For example, I saw a documentary on PBS about HIV/AIDS in India. They interviewed some people. They asked them if they used condoms because of the threat of HIV/AIDS, they all just got mad and said that HIV wasn't real. Some said that they just couldn't get it through sex. The part of it I noticed, was that these people were educated about HIV/AIDS. That's the reason why I said that they don't care.
9 :
This will have to be collective community effort. We could employ the help of church, community civic leagues and maybe in upper education levels, such as: high school and college level. I would also like to address the issues within our own country. This is a vast epidemic right here in the United States. It great to help others, but we must help combat our own. It is out of control and our babies are suffering!
10 :
11 :
I think we need to concentrate on our own people cause there is so much suffering here.
12 :
pray for the people in the world who have HIV/AIDS. find a good charity that supports finding a cure for aids. write to your congressmen/women and tell them of your concern.
13 :
find a good charity good luck be careful some are frauds
14 :
Education. We must open peoples eyes to the terrible humanitarian crisis that exists in developing countries. Sadly millions of children are homeless and no longer have their parents so they live in orphanages. We need to put the voice out and loud and talk about how our fellow brothers and sisters need our help. I don't think it should be government mandated but I am glad governments do divy the money out. Some people are very selfish and greedy on both sides of the aisle, The giver and the receiver. If there is a good way that anyone knows about to get needed money, supplies, food, and other items needed for the developing countries; let everyone you can know about it. Do your part and have a heart!
15 :
A presentation telling them that can and eventually die if they really care about their life they'll get tested and so will there partners
16 :
Where individuals and communities are able to realize their rights - to education, free association, information and, most importantly, non-discrimination - the personal and societal impacts of HIV and AIDS are reduced. Where an open and supportive environment exists for those infected with HIV; where they are protected from discrimination, treated with dignity, and provided with access to treatment, care and support; and where AIDS is de-stigmatized; individuals are more likely to seek testing in order to know their status. In turn, those people who are HIV positive may deal with their status more effectively, by seeking and receiving treatment and psychosocial support, and by taking measures to prevent transmission to others, thus reducing the impact of HIV/AIDS on themselves and on others in society. The protection and promotion of human rights are therefore essential in preventing the spread of HIV and to mitigating the social and economic impact of the pandemic. The reasons for this are threefold. First the promotion and protection of human rights reduces vulnerability to HIV infection by addressing its root causes. The adverse impact on those infected and affected by HIV is lessened. Third individuals and communities have greater ability to respond to the pandemic. An effective international response to the pandemic therefore must be grounded in respect for all civil, cultural, economic, political, economic and social rights and the right to development, in accordance with international human rights standards, norms and principles. States' obligations to promote and protect HIV/AIDS-related human rights are defined in existing international treaties. HIV/AIDS-related human rights include the right to life; the right to liberty and security of the person; the right to the highest attainable standard of mental and physical health; the right to non-discrimination, equal protection and equality before the law; the right to freedom of movement; the right to seek and enjoy asylum; the right to privacy; the right to freedom of expression and opinion and the right to freely receive and impart information; the right to freedom of association; the right to marry and found a family; the right to work; the right to equal access to education; the right to an adequate standard of living; the right to social security, assistance and welfare; the right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits; the right to participate in public and cultural life; and the right to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
17 :
It depends on what people you are talking about. If you are talking about Americans, the issue is already out there in front of the people. We just need to keep it out there...not overdoing it mind you. People get burnt out. If you're talking about the developing nations, we can educate the leaders there...but only they can get the message to the people. We have tried and tried to get through to the people, but they're not going to listen to anyone but one of their own. And I can understand that. Until the leaders realize that their country is self-destructing from within, and until they are willing to take up the fight against it by getting through to the people, I don't think any great headway can be made.
18 :
How can we help people realize the same concerns for the children in the United States. Ignorance is difficult to beat- don't stop the fight educate educate educate or hit a couple idiots up side the head. My sister in law the first time I met her informed me that people with aids deserved to die because they were junkie homo's I said what about the kids she said them to they got it from their junkie mom ho's. My next challenge blood tranfusion God only give the bad stuff to the junkie gay ho's see where I'm coming from ignorance at its best.
19 :
YOU'VE SHOWN ENOUGH-- THAT WE CAN SEE THE MAGNITUDE OF THE PROBLEM We've watched the news. We see the pictures and commercials. --But still no real help. It's time that we actually AID the AIDS problem. How?-- Stop Insurgency. Stop Bad Governance. Stop Governmental Corruption. Gain TRUST among potential donors to the point that they may be confident that their donations are ending up in the RIGHT hands. It is truly a paradox to see how so many benevolent organizations have been created just for AIDS Awareness/Prevention, etc. ---and YET--it seems that no comparative or truly in-depth progress has been made.
20 :
to make people realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations:- we gotta educate them we have to show them the sufferings of the orphans we have to show them how they can make a difference we have to tell them that they can make a difference by helping by showing the documentaries, etc
21 :
It depends on the location of the PEOPLE you are refering to. If its people in the West you can start by showng vidoes of tthe suffering these children are going/ go through. For those in the developing world who live with this menace, more education needs to be done because even though they live with them its still difficult to accept them.
22 :
Information. In this country people live like in a cocoon. Not knowing what happens in the rest of the world and, what is worst, not caring. When was the last time that you saw something about the children and diseases in the developing world on prime time TV? Never. The key is information and awareness.
23 :
Increase visibility of this deadly menace. Generate more videos, PSAs. Contact more celebrities to volunteer, then get more regular Janes and Joes to help with getting the problem in front of more eyes and ears. Send delegations to colleges, to the White House. Get current volunteers to connect with their political representation, demanding more visibility & responses. I would like to help by using a current 60 second PSA(public service announcement) on my local 30 minute Comcast TV show here in Lansing, Michigan-India Arie and I have mutual acquaintances. Please contact me at 517 321-3122. I run a Childrens Fund PSA ocassionally, but would love to help this cause, as well and would welcome a chance to do an entire show on this issue.
24 :
Education is the key. Supporting organizations with time and money that educate people about hiv/aids will show a decrease in the people getting the disease. Some countries that have taught the abc program , A-abstain, B-be-faithful, or C-correct and consistent use a condoms, have shown a decline in people contracting the disease. Some of the countries are Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic, and Haiti. I think health care should also be a priority in helping people with hiv/aids. The more we know the better able we are to make good and healthy decisions.
25 :
Advertising. everybody is affected by advertising. there are multiple forms of media that we can use. if someone were to make a commercial or several commercials about this topic, and sell the commercial to radio stations and tv channels worldwide, i am sure that people would get smarter. because this is such an important topic, i believe that no channel or radio station would turn down this advertisement. snail mail and email are also great media outlets, but the way you could probably get the best result is if you used the internet. everybody is always on the internet, and you could create a banner and get well known websites (like yahoo, google, youtube, myspace) to display an advertising banner about how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations.
26 :
Celebrities, such as yourself, need to put more effort and finances into charities here in the United States instead of floundering about overseas. Our own country needs help before it crumbles under the weight of its own burdens. The root of all of Man's problems stem from needless human overpopulation. I know that every human has the right to procreate, but face it there are some humans obtuse to usage of birth control. If needless human overpopulation could be curbed (or even possibly halted), then many of Man's problems would be solved.
27 :
god will bless them children and say pray and his spirt is going to you
28 :
For Americans, seriously, the topic would have to be introduced on a television show like FOX's House in order to hit the mainstream. OR a popular show revealing parallel story lines of two children with parents suffering from AIDS: one African child and one US child. Then, Bono and friends would have to have to visit every major Westernized market for "town hall meetings." Followed by a blitz of public service announcements/Internet media events. (not to take away from their already great works) Really, the people who want to know about the problem are aware and it is their choice to open their wallet. UNICEF works very hard to gain support - as you can see from this marketing effort - but does it make you want to give? Here are a few things that matter: - If they people who have given in the past continue to support this effort (vs. a one time donation) - If the money already allocated to orphans is properly spent vs. being taken by those who are corrupted - If current AIDS education programs to protect youth from AIDS are effective (the % of condom use is still low in many countries) - If the local community is empowered by government agencies in partnership with NGOs to help the children. OR, perhaps people are starving for stories about children who have succeeded despite being orphaned by AIDS - showing contributions are creating positive results. We are often overloaded by all of the negatives about Africa that donors feels there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Just some thoughts.
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by adds
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We can try to create educational programs that teach our kids about the disease, as well as give money, and much needed medicine to those affected by HIV/AIDs particularly, in Africa. I think by starting in the place where the epidemic is most present, can we try for a better, safer world.
31 :
There will always be selfish people that just don't care and I'm one of them. First of all you should TRY to make those people see the light. Highly unlikely though.
32 :
We our selves are still trying to recover from the effects of this epidemic that hit us nationally 20 years ago ,This is when I remember the massive awareness campaign that took place and became the Bogey man to all American households everyone was so afraid , Medical Breakthroughs have now calmed that fear of AIDS/HIV. Although not cured controlled. I think this same media coverage should continue to make the public aware it's the only way, Media is a huge impact on how people learn and made aware of many issues we face . We still ourselves are facing this problem and many have become passive to this because of the false that this is no longer a issue in our own country , We ourselves have seen a rise in AIDS/HIV as the media no longer has this as front page or any page news for that matter. We ourselves are letting our guard down because if it;s not in the media it must not be so bad attitude . Media Media Media is the main key to AWARENESS
33 :
I know this will sound a little corny, but how about making a movie about it. People often pay less attention to the news than they do to entertainment.
34 :
it is very possible if only there will be strong desire to make the international media partisipating in this human concious exercise. Most People ( affected and none afected) can always be main participants if they get the message wherever they are instead of some few so that the power of spreading the message can reach as much people as possible. So the media is the solution. I mean local media whis is so common to the poor who are making the majority of the affected. So to the rich who are controling the media.
35 :
Knowing is not understanding, and understanding is only the beginning to realizing what is in store for us.
36 :
By providing factual information on HIV/AID and it's impact on everyone especially children.
37 :
I'm not sure we can help people realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations, however, i-Safe has a very powerful demonstration to show kids how vulnerable they are to online predators. In that demonstration everyone stands up, then the presenter begins listing criteria (brown hair? sit down). They say it takes fewer than five criteria to get an entire audience down to one person. That is powerful. My idea is to take the concept and extrapolate it to the AIDS epidemic. If large groups of people participated in a similar demonstration that correlated to the percentage of those affected in the world/developing nations/Africa, perhaps it would really drive home the devastation. Imagine a basketball arena pre game ... thousands of spectators participating in an activity like I described. Afterwards, a strong message with intense visuals detailing the affects on children, personal interviews, etc. We have to really internalize the numbers to realize how devastating AIDS is. The only way to do that, without taking everyone one by one to Africa, is to help them see it could affect the person next to me, in front of me, behind me. It could affect me! Then maybe we'll really get it. Television and movies have done so much to desensitize us; we need something to make it personal - make it real.
38 :
Send out pictures and stories of how HIV/AIDS has affected the lives of these children aand their families.
39 :
I will say this again that the only way people can know what is going on around the world, is if they saw for themselves first hand what the impact the epidemic has on children. Unless you see the pain and anguish a child is subjected to through no fault of their own...if you have a will bleed. People act when they see and not when they hear. I can tell you a sob story right now and it wont affect you in the least bit but if I took you to a bed side of a 6 year old who is battling for his life, full blown AIDS and he looks in your eyes and tells you that he is thankful that you came to visit him...that he has had no visitors since he was hospitalised, his parents both died of you will bleed from the heart and hate your self for not being their to protect such innocent children. You will immediately come up with ideas on how you can make life easier for the children alread infected and try to make the burden of the illness less heavy on them by showing them love...because most of these kids dont have anyone to love them after the parents they hurt and there is no one to comfort them...its really painful even just to sit here and write about this but the bottom line is SEE FOR YOUR SELF then maybe somewhere inside you theres a heart that feels, a heart that cares.
40 :
Awareness is key, most people have no idea and they are clueless to the world outside of their own. I am aware because I donate to Unicef monthly, if others received the type of emails and letters that I do, they may be more aware. I also try to keep up with World news; there are several stories relating to how HIV/AIDS impacts children. Hopefully after people realize, more funds can be allocated to those children that are infected and try and provide them with a normal life in an accepting world. Just today I read an article on regarding Russian infants/children with infected with AIDS, in some situations they are practically isolated. It is bad enough these children are infected but worse to be isolated from the world, that must impact a child̢۪s psychology in more ways than one, it is so sad. All children in the world deserve a healthy and happy life. So many people could help if they could accept responsibility.
41 :
Well, I truly believe Americans has always been very sensitive to the needs of children: in other third world countries & here at home (USA). But, using experience from the yesteryears, 4 example: the situation in South Africa, Rwana, and thusania(n Russia?) can help a great deal. Also, use some of americans' methods: Lets hear from the children, let them say, speak, and tell how they feel. No age should be hinder from speaking how they are feeling and what they need us (the world 2 do). & a lots of smiles, toys, & of course medical aids.
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Awareness seminars and reports. The media should talk about these events. If information is not passed and hilglighted, people will not know about the happenings. So the media has a duty to help.
44 :
I believe that we can help the world realize the impact of HIV/AIDS in developing nations, is by starting off with our own country first. Of course many people have a understanding of what HIV/AIDS is and what it can do to you. But I think America should just realize that most Americans, isn't good enough. All races and ages need to understand the affects of this disease and know exactly what it does. I mentor a lot of young girls and a few adults, and when it comes to STD's and AIDS, all they know is that you can get it by having unprotected sex and that the AIDS virus kills you. That's it. In our own nation, we have people gunning each other down because some one killed some one they knew, and they kill them. And the cycle sadly continues, but we need to show our fellow Americans this virus, in a metaphor basically it's like gunning down each other. But you can't kill HIV/AIDS. We need to start off here before we educate any where else. That way when Ghana or any other country infested with this virus, develops any further, that country now has a strong force of people educated individuals who hopefully aspire to make a difference in the movement towards finding a cure and/or helping another nation in any way possible. Influence with what you have and what's in front of you first. If the majority of America just chooses not to listen, than ok, but never give up. Also never forget about the miniority. The most dangerous thing of all is a person is a person who does not care. I am all for educating and travelling to other countries to share in depth knowledge of what HIV/AIDS. The only way to make some one see, is to not open their eyes for them. It's to inspire them. Some times inspiration is very harsh. But if that's what it takes to save a just one life, than at the end of the day it's worth it. Inspire the inspirable. You will be amazed at what people can do with inspiration. Inspiration=Motivation=Unstoppable. When was the last time you could stop some one that was motivated? The only thing constant in the world is change. Wonder where I go that from? ;-). You can't do anything, any where until you have the people that are capable and willing. But once again, the capable are not willing unless they are inspired. Trigger the right inspiration and we can make people realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations.
45 :
perhaps if you know what causes HIV/AIDS can't UNICEF keep those 'causes' away from children...I mean does that help?
46 :
i believe that since children and adults in develeoping nations don't have the proper knowledge, medicine cocktails. and condoms, then we should take those things away from America also. So Americans can really see how blessed they are and how without these things HIV/AIDS runs rampant. We would have a crisis also on our hands and it would be declared a national crisis. I believe that people do realize how HIV/AIDS impacts children in developing nations but they do not care because it is not hitting close to home yet.
47 :
The main cause behind the subject (10.5 million children under 5 will die this year ) is poverty and world super powers war for their interests. The daily feed and vaccination against the diseases is the prime lacks which create this catastraphic and lamentable scenario for their parents . My request to all world powers from the forum of United Nations that 7 members of Atomic Club should reserve and spent 1% of their existing defence budget on this great noble cause . Than their will no more remnants of poverty in the third world countries and lack of vaccination against the defence of disease . PLEASE COME AND UNITE THE WORLD AND RESPECT ALL THE HUMAN BEINGS MY REQUEST TO ALL WORLD POWERS THAT LEAVE THE ATTITUDE TO BEING THIER COUNTRY SUPER POWER THAT ATTITUDE WILL CAUSE THE LACK OF INDIVIDUAL RESPECT. COME AND UNITE THE WORLD AND LIVE EACH OTHER LIKE MILK AND HONEY
48 :
It's not easy to let the children be our priority in this world even thought they suffer the most, sometimes we intend to do good things for them but in the reality they don't know what is happening, children depends on their parent and adults people but how can we help them if us older people can't help itselt. Most of us forget that once in our life we are the children in our time, we struggle to learn and enjoy what we have, we walk to the pathway we have chosen or decided, we faced the problems and challenge it till we survive until one day we became adult we mature from our dream and continue with our life and then we lost the memories of our childhood. We must remember all the things we have done in our life, and make this the chance to help other children. We should guide our children to their happiness, teach them to enjoy their life and make their dreams come true.If we want to help them we must help ourselves to understand what is needed and what is not. It's a long journey, it takes time understand,and responsible effort is needed. We must act now, we our responsible for the children today this is not their fault, we are the one who is responsible in creating problems and we should be the one to be responsible to do what is have to do a long time ago.
49 :
you give a petition talk to people give flyers I LOVE YOU!
50 :
I just took part in program called "Blood;water mission" our youth group alone made $6000 in offerings to build two wells in Uganda, Africa. You just have to let people know that even with a little bit of help, they can really make a difference.

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