Polls & Surveys - 15 Answers
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1 :
You can't
2 :
you cant!! help me?? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AnLKceNAWDECzekTU8Qmtrbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101120120403AAJF7k3
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4 :
You can't.
5 :
Sometimes you can tell usually at the end of their life. But for the most part there are no obvious signs.
6 :
they have a yellowish tint to their skin =[ ... ive seen a few people like that. really sad but it gets that way when they are going to die soon.
7 :
If they have full blown AIDs than a lot of time they will have spots on their skin and they will look like very unhealthy. They tend to be very skinny. But while they are spreading it around while they don't know they have it, you will not be able to tell.
8 :
they just don't have that same deliriously happy glint in their eye, the one they once had before they were diagnosed with an incurable, terminal illness.
9 :
Umm you can't....
10 :
Generally, you cannot. Sometimes, though, the medication they take can cause facial wasting. But even that is not an accurate indication.
11 :
Any girl that leans against a building after 1.00pm.
12 :
You have absolutely no way of knowing from looking at them Mondo from Project Runway is HIV positive, for instance, and he looks completely normal(well, lol, sometimes his sense of fashion is a little wacky)
13 :
It would be printed on their forehead in red ink,but very small type.
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