Thursday, April 12, 2012

it's not possible for immune system to fight AIDS and HIV right

it's not possible for immune system to fight AIDS and HIV right?
if it's affected with HIV/AIDS then the immunte system is not working anymore right?
STDs - 7 Answers
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1 :
Right, though there are now medecines to keep people going for many years.
2 :
HIV IS an infection of the immune system. The HIV infects, colonises and reproduces inside immune cells, when it divides it kills the host immune cell. There is an immune response to HIV which generally serves to make the patient worse. The immune system attacks HIV infected cells killing them. In essence the immune system is the means of the destruction of the immune system. Once the immune system is damaged enough, HIV infected patients begin to get serious infections which will eventually lead to that person's death.
3 :
That's not technically true. People who get infected with HIV only develop AIDS after months or years, and that's because the immune system is still trying to fight off the AIDS. When you first get infected, the virus proliferates and the immune system attacks it.The immune response wipes out nearly all of the viruses in an attack that would destroy pretty much every other pathogen, but some are left behind and those viruses continue attacking white blood cells, specifically T helper cells. This slowly starts to compromise your immune system, making you weaker to other infections as time goes on. Until a certain point, though, you won't notice anything wrong, and this phase can last up to 20 years. Eventually, enough of your immune system has been destroyed so it can't keep up with HIV or anything else, and thus patients start developing problems which anyone with a normal immune system wouldn't have any trouble fighting off.
4 :
Correct. It doesn't recognize the virus as harmful and isn't strong enough to attack it.
5 :
When the body is first infected, it does produce antibodies in an attempt to fight HIV. However, over time, HIV destroys the immune system, specifically the cells the body uses to fight infections, and the body becomes vulnerable to all other infections. Once the number of infection fighting cells drops to 200 or below, diagnosis changes from HIV to AIDS. These days, medications can help many people who have HIV live longer, healthier, and increase the amount of time between diagnosis of HIV and diagnosis of AIDS.
6 :
Oh the immune system will fight HIV, but in a lot of cases it will not win. I have friends that have been HIV+ for over 20 years and never have taken any kind of medications. So his system is fighting and in some aspects winning. With the proper use of medications they immune system can do very well for years. But in the long run, HIV will fight the immune system and most of the time the HIV wins.
7 :
AIDS is when your immune system is down, but there is hope for HIV positive people. don't take the medication it is proven to cause AIDS.

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