Saturday, February 20, 2010

im doing a interview with a person who has HIV/AIDS and i need help

im doing a interview with a person who has HIV/AIDS and i need help!?
ok so for my psy class me and a classmate have to do a interview on a person with hiv/aids, im kind of stuck on what questions to ask, i dont wanna get too personal but i need to ask questions she can elaborate on, plz heklp! thanks
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You may want to start with how they think contracted it. How long they knew they have had it for. How did they find out they had it. What symptoms did they have to make them get tested? What did it feel like when they were diagnosed with HIV. What kind of treatment are they taking. How do their partners react if they give them the news about their status. What is their life like now that they have HIV. How do people think they get seen as if they know they have HIV. Do a little research on HIV and you can find some questions to ask when you start researching. Some times it's good to get a little personal so your audience can connect to this person. Just make sure that the person your interviewing is comfortable answering your questions.

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