Sunday, September 28, 2008

What happens if you mix your blood w/ 2 other people & NONE of you are infected w/ HIV/AIDS

What happens if you mix your blood w/ 2 other people & NONE of you are infected w/ HIV/AIDS?
Would it like mutate your blood type or something? What if it happened like 2 years ago?
Biology - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you will die there is a reason why when you get a blood transfusion they check your blood type.
2 :
If you have compatible blood types, nothing will happen. If you have incompatible blood types, blood will coagulate (clump up) and you will die. People with O- can give blood to anyone. People who are AB+ can receive blood from anyone. All others must be exactly the same. Oh ... and I totally agree with you regarding Miley Cyrus. If she went away, no one would miss her.

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